Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller regrets being harsh to untalented students

Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller regrets being harsh to untalented students

It seems that the legendary dance instructor Abby Lee Miller is rethinking her notorious tough-love approach from her time on the hit reality show Dance Moms. In a revealing new interview with ABC News’ Juju Chang, Miller expressed that she would handle things differently if given another chance.

The regret of harsh critiques

During the Impact x Nightline interview, Miller admitted her past missteps, acknowledging, Absolutely. I would. Reflecting on how she treated kids who she believed didn’t possess enough talent, she confessed, Because, no matter how harsh I was on the kid, they weren’t going to get it. They just didn’t have the talent. They didn’t have it. These statements provide a stark contrast to the unyielding persona she projected on screen.

Chang pressed further, questioning whether this regret stemmed from potentially hurting children’s feelings. Miller clarified her motives by explaining, No, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings; I want to get them to be better and the best that they can be.

Miller’s new venture

Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller regrets being harsh to untalented students

Despite her regrets, Abby Lee Miller isn’t stepping away from the spotlight. The 58-year-old is set to return with a brand-new TV show titled Abby Lee Dance With Me!, signaling yet another chapter in her storied career. Discussing this new project during her interview, Miller shared her excitement: I can’t wait to share this incredible talent with the World! A great big hug goes out to all the wonderfully talented kids who were selected to participate in this show! I loved working with each and every one of you.

The impact of tough love

While ‘Dance Moms’ grew into a cultural phenomenon since its debut in 2011—the show’s environment and Miller’s methods left lasting impressions on both viewers and participants. The stressful demands undoubtedly affected the show’s young stars.

Nia Sioux, one of Miller’s former students, reflected on her time under such rigorous training, noting,I also learned how to pick up choreography really quickly. As a dancer, that’s really helpful.. However, she also didn’t shy away from acknowledging the challenges by stating,I don’t think I’ve been on a job that was quite as stressful as that one, so it definitely prepared me and got me ready for the entertainment world.

A controversial legacy

Dance Moms star Abby Lee Miller regrets being harsh to untalented students

The emotions surrounding Dance Moms and Abby Lee Miller’s controversial coaching methods continue to evoke strong opinions. Despite accusations of fostering a toxic environment—where students often felt pressured and critiqued harshly—many former cast members acknowledge that they built resilience through their experiences.

An insightful comment from JoJo Siwa captures this dichotomy: It’s just such a familiarity… Whether that be a good trauma or a bad trauma.. This quote highlights how former students view their shared experiences as complex—trauma bonds formed under an unorthodox but undeniably impactful teaching method.

Reflections and moving forward

Miller’s reflections suggest a more nuanced understanding of her legacy. Despite critique and acclaim alike; despite regretting her treatment of students who lacked initial talent, she’s committed to developing young dancers strive for excellence—a hallmark of her relentless pursuit for perfection.

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