Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

As Criminal Minds: Evolution gears up for its second season, fans of the show are keenly awaiting updates on the return of Dr. Spencer Reid, a character that has been a cornerstone since the early days. Although the character played by Matthew Gray Gubler garnered immense popularity over 15 seasons, his absence from the first season of the reboot left many viewers hoping for his reappearance.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

Current Projects Keep Gubler Busy

Matthew Gray Gubler‘s current slate of projects have left him unable to return to Criminal Minds: Evolution. Addressing this, Gubler expressed his enthusiasm and willingness to return should his schedule permit. He shared, Of course, I would be honored. I would absolutely love that. They did a newer spin-off of the show but it was filming during a time when I was shooting something else, so it didn’t work out, but I can’t wait. Hopefully, it will soon work out.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

Insight from Showrunner Erica Messer

The show’s timeline has also faced disruptions due to industry-wide events like the Hollywood strikes and scheduling conflicts among key cast members. Erica Messer, the showrunner, elaborated more on this subject while mentioning her hopes for Gubler’s eventual return. She said, In our final conversations and as we navigated scheduling conflicts and the Hollywood strikes, we realized it would be best for me to step away not just as the showrunner but from my day-to-day involvement. But please know the team is amazing.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

The Significance of Reid’s Desk

The visual tease from Joe Mantegna’s Instagram story showing Reid’s nameplate on a desk further fueled these speculations among fans. Messer clarified that while Reid’s desk remains on set as a marker for his potential return, there are no immediate plans for his comeback in Season 2.
As Messer put it, I’m keeping that desk there and I’m keeping that nameplate there. It’s always staying there as far as I’m concerned. So that’s why you saw it. You’ll see it throughout the show.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

The Continued Storyline

Criminal Minds: Evolution continues to unravel intricate mysteries like ‘Gold Star,’ a plot arc that began in Season 1 and promises more intrigue moving forward. As per Erica Messer’s comments to TVLine, only two weeks have passed since Voit’s capture.
[Prentiss had] only a bit of time to sort of figure out what’s going with this Gold Star mystery that she thinks had something to do with [FBI Deputy Director] Doug Bailey’s death.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

A Peek into Future Seasons

Messer has left the door open for future returns, expressing optimism despite current constraints.
But yeah… this home is always there for them. We’d love to make it happen.
With the narrative gearing towards uncovering deeper secrets and tackling new threats each season, a potential Reid comeback could add significant layers to subsequent developments.
The fans must remain patient, yet hopeful as they journey through Season 2 which begins streaming on June 7th.

Criminal Minds Evolution Updates on Matthew Gray Gublers Possible Return

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