What We Know about the Beyonce Documentary Coming to Netflix

As Amir Vera of CNN might say, Beyonce seems ready to ‘bless us’ with a documentary of her life. It’s easy to sound cynical if you’re not an avid fan of the impressive pop star but it’s also best todo so from a distance since so many people happen to love Beyonce in a manner that borders on obsession and even idol worship. The fact that she has a documentary coming to Netflix isn’t truly surprising since her career has taken her to heights that have only been dreamed of by a lot of superstars and has become something that as earned her the nickname of “Queen Bey”. While a lot of people tend to use this moniker and feel appropriate in doing so her time at Coachella seems to have been over-hyped on occasion. Joshua Bote of NPR even uses the term “Beychella” when referring to her amazing performance at the Coachella festival in 2018. That might seem all well and fine to a lot of people that revere the singer and put her on a pedestal that they feel is well-deserved, but so far the documentary seems to be something that’s going to be yet another movie in a long line of them that shows just how someone that came from a pretty average background was discovered and then catapulted to the top as she continued to develop her musical talent throughout the years.

Don’t get me wrong, she’s attained a great deal of fame and this documentary is set to show just how it came about and the challenges that came along the way. Few people ever reach the heights she’s achieved without having some struggle at some point and she has had her ups and downs. But the fact remains that if you go to Wikipedia or any of her other bio sites you’re likely to find that early on in her life she didn’t have a lot of obstacles to overcome and was found to have a unique singing voice and ability to dance that helped her out immensely. The fact that Netflix managed to land this documentary isn’t really surprising but it is kind of impressive since it seems as though it might be something that could possibly boost the streaming site in a way and afford it a great number of views as well as possible subscribers. Of course if a person is joining Netflix just to watch this documentary it might be under the guise of the free trial period so that they can watch it and not pay.

Yes that’s a bit cynical but again, Beyonce, despite being wildly popular and having achieved more in her life than many would if they lived to be 200, is at this time less of a hot commodity than people might think. She’s reached the top of the mountain as of several years back and despite the legions of fans that she has that will likely watch this documentary if they can, she already seems to be poised at the precipice of a very gradually descending slope that might see her become far more than she’s ever been. She’s already a legend and an icon, but being immortalized throughout history is something she has yet to earn since she’s still out there doing her thing and hasn’t yet decided to step away. Like it or not, immortality in music does sometimes require that you’re long gone from the business before it can set it. She’s got so much going for her at this point that this documentary seems like it might be just another drop in the proverbial bucket when it comes to her reputation, or, given that it’s going to detail the events leading up to her Coachella performance that has already been deemed historical and will no doubt go down as one of the best ever. That’s all well and good, it’s another movie set to record a moment in time when an artist did something spectacular and brought to mind the very real accomplishment of an entire race that had for so long been marginalized and kept down.

But it’s another documentary. Maybe that sounds dismissive, but in truth it’s realistic. Beyonce is not the end-all, be-all of performers. She’s certainly one of the flashiest, her shows attract millions, and the money spent on the choreography and effects is impressive. But this movie is another glimpse into the life of a pop star that had the chance to do something on the stage of a show that to some artists is the pinnacle of their career. But in the eyes of a lot of other people it might be another way for someone to show a part of their life to those they might think are interested. In other words, if you’re Beyonce fan you might think it’s great, if you’re not, it might just be another documentary.

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