Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

The baseball world mourns the loss of Willie Mays, whose illustrious career and immense impact on the game make him one of the sport’s most celebrated figures. Passing away at 93, Mays leaves behind a legacy that will be honored in a fitting tribute at Birmingham’s Rickwood Field, the place where his professional journey began.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

Mays’ Early Days at Rickwood Field

On June 20, 2024, Rickwood Field will serve as the venue for a special game between the San Francisco Giants and St. Louis Cardinals. This event, planned around Juneteenth, is a tribute to the Negro Leagues and Willie Mays. The announcement from Major League Baseball highlights this unique ceremony honoring Mays, who played for the Birmingham Black Barons.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

A Milestone To Celebrate

Mays’ career statistics are legendary: he boasted a .301 career batting average, slugged 660 home runs, made 3,293 hits, and totaled 1,909 RBIs with 2,068 runs scored. This game at Rickwood coincides eerily with recent aspects of Mays’ life – highlighting the beginning of his career shortly before his passing.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

Memories And Tributes

Reflecting on Mays’ influence, A’s centerfielder J.J. Bleday remarked, I’m devastated for him and his family. The dude was an absolute legend… He gave so much to the game and had an unbelievable life. This sentiment echoes through the baseball community as they remember the man who started playing at this historic field.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

Game Day: Honoring A Legend

The San Francisco Giants expressed their emotions as well: The San Francisco Giants said that Willie Mays would be greatly missed and forever remembered for his contributions to the team and the sport. Given Rickwood Field’s significance in Mays’ early career – where he earned his first 10 major-league hits – it’s only appropriate that this farewell takes place here.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

Catching Eyes Early On

Mays’ initial stint with the Birmingham Black Barons left an indelible impression. Piper Davis, then manager of the Black Barons, recalled, Nobody ever saw anybody throw a ball from the outfield like him, or get rid of it so fast. These performances solidified his path to a remarkable career in MLB which saw him traverse numerous leagues but always remain true to his roots in Birmingham.

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

A Legacy That Stands Tall

The current recognition by Major League Baseball to incorporate Negro League stats further immortalizes Mays’ contribution – recalling how he felt about just playing the game regardless of race or background. His quote resonates now more than before: I always enjoyed playing ball … I never felt comfortable telling other people how to act… we thought nothing of it…

Baseball Legend Willie Mays Passes at 93 Honored with Tribute Game at Rickwood Field

An Unmatched Career

With so many accolades and memories left behind, Willie Mays’ memory will indeed inspire future generations. As A’s manager Mark Kotsay shared about growing up reading Mays’ biography, he said, I just wish I was half the player he was… The catches that he made…his loss is felt today and will be for a long time.

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