The animated short of “Doc and Mharti” is a parody of the hit movie franchise “Back to The Future,” and it served as the inspiration for the animated television series, “Rick and Morty.” It is the original concept from creator Justin Roiland, that makes fun of the characters of Doc Brown and Marty McFly in a raunchy depiction that is over the top with a disgusting display of Doc taking perverse sexual advantage of Marty. The original literally gets down and dirty with scenes that are not fit for younger viewing audiences, the elderly and anyone who is easily offended. It’s even rough those who are seasoned viewers of ribald humor, but the creator had a message to get across.
Original intent
If you’re just watching this clip without the knowledge of “Rick and Morty,” you may think that “The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti,” is a standalone comedy that is intended to make some serious fun of “Back to the Future.” The versions of the characters are hilarious if you’re not easily offended. The intention of the short was to troll Universal pictures and in the process, make fun of the receipt of “cease and desist letters.” There was definitely a degree of political intent associated with the clip, and the crudeness of the content takes an additional jab at the target parties, but something good came out of it.
Distasteful content
There is no argument that the content of Roiland’s concept clips are about as offensive as any creator could muster without breaking some type of law. Justin knows how to use his creative genius to hit his intended targets squarely between the eyes. As it sat, the original concept really didn’t have anywhere to go, so changes were required to turn it into something that would appeal to the greater audience and have sticking power via decent viewer ratings. It had performed its original function and now it was time to take the best parts of the project and salvage what was usable for a new project that would drop the agenda and move into the realms of television series fodder.
Roiland’s genius
From the raunchy parody, Roiland saw the potential for a real show to evolve. From these ribald beginnings, he reworked the characters to arrive at Rick and Morty, who are moronic, but terribly funny. Roiland moved the characters far from the original concept, and after viewing “The Real Animated Adventures of Doc and Mharti,” you’d have to agree that this was the right thing to do. Still, its shows us the creative genius of Justin Roiland because while there are some slight similarities, he managed to infuse a totally different tone as he moved away from the parody that was loaded with ill intentions to a show that would legitimately entertain people.
Just how Roiland came up with the inspiration for “Rick and Morty” from this short is somewhat of a mystery, but we’re certain that he was hatching it in his brain prior to his development of the parody. One thing is for certain, and that is the fact that Justin Roiland is a brilliant creator and he can turn a pig’s ear into a silk purse, figuratively speaking.
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