What Will a Taika Waititi Star Wars Movie Even Look Like?
That’s a good question really. Would would a Star Wars movie look like with Taika Waititi behind the camera? It’s too simple to say that ‘it
That’s a good question really. Would would a Star Wars movie look like with Taika Waititi behind the camera? It’s too simple to say that ‘it
Right from the start this makes a person wonder just who they’re bringing back as far as characters go and who’s going to get left on the cutting
Well the first thing we know about Space Force is that it’s coming at the end of May and it looks absolutely hilarious and is likely to be a bit of soci
Does anyone get the feeling that Tom Cruise’s ambition is getting a little out there at this point? Kevin Fraser of Joblo certainly doesn’t and it
With all the popularity that some of the Star Wars characters have been given in recent and past years one would almost think to see Rey or Princess Leia or H
Leave it to Ryan Reynolds to give a commencement speech that doesn’t sound like a commencement speech but totally comes off as a phoned-in commencement
Most of the time when looking up actors that haven’t been seen for a while it’s possible to find that they’ve retired or have simply been mi
About the only thing better than an actor reading a story that they had something to do with would be the author reading it to people since it would be an ext
The rise of the video game movies has been a tenuous and arduous one throughout the years since it’s also been hit and miss along the way with only a ha
Just to clarify, being a fan of a franchise doesn’t mean that one has to abstain from saying anything negative about the franchise, as plenty of Star Wa