Seth Rogen Explains How Marvel Movies Changed Comedy
Initially one might think that Seth Rogen is being a bit of a sourpuss by stating that modern comedies have to try and keep up with Marvel movies since the ac
Initially one might think that Seth Rogen is being a bit of a sourpuss by stating that modern comedies have to try and keep up with Marvel movies since the ac
You had to know that this might be a possibility after Gone With the Wind was first pulled from HBO Max and then put back with a disclaimer so that people cou
This makes Tom Cruise sound a bit like a male diva, doesn’t it? A lot of actors have weird demands on the set, but one of Tom Cruise’s is that he
Actors do some odd things sometimes but now and again they do manage to do something that makes people go ‘awww’ such as adopting a cat that has t
It feels safe to say that a lot of people still remember Harriet the Spy since a lot of folks grew up with this character in one way or another. What will be
Family Guy isn’t usually one of the shows that people go to when they want to see sentimental moments, but there are still plenty of times when the show
You mean a celebrity was mean to a fan? An actual celebrity was being a big meanie to a fan? The fact that anyone is surprised by this any longer is kind of s
As of right now, it’s tough to say for certain which movies that have come out recently might be classics one day, but it’s easy to think that som
Since we’re talking about Terminator movies here we’re going to have to leave Jonathan Jackson out of the mix for now since The Sarah Connor Chron
CGI is great when it’s used in a manner that isn’t so obvious or at least works for the movie since there are those times when it comes off as che