Apparently Thomas Jane Was Extremely Mean to a Fan at Comic Con

Apparently Thomas Jane Was Extremely Mean to a Fan at Comic Con

You mean a celebrity was mean to a fan? An actual celebrity was being a big meanie to a fan? The fact that anyone is surprised by this any longer is kind of saddening in a way since fans should know that not every celebrity is bound to be as ‘nice’ as they’re said to be at all times. Obviously the account of Thomas Jane acting like a jerk during a panel wasn’t the best way that things could have gone down and if any of the story is true (question everything, no matter what) then yes, he was being a complete jerk, especially if hew as texting a woman in the audience about everyone that came up to ask him questions concerning the reason he was there. But again, is anyone really surprised that some actors are jerks? It’s not an attempt to explain that people should just take it and be grateful, but perhaps don’t walk into a Comic-Con with high expectations that every actor is going to be the friendly and warm personality you want them to be. Like it or not, actors are human, which means that they’re bound to be one way or another. There’s also the real idea that he was having a bad day, he didn’t want to be there, and again, that the person telling the story is embellishing a bit.

Like it or not, some actors will act like entitled jerks at times simply because they believe that they’re allowed to do so because they’re famous, or for some other reason that you might not fathom at the time. Does that mean they’re not your favorite any longer? I don’t care for Robert De Niro’s continual political rants or his tough-guy act, or Jim Carrey’s political views, but that doesn’t stop their performances from being worth watching and the actors from deserving at least the same respect you’d give another human being, at the bare minimum. They could act like the biggest, most entitled jerks in the world, but if you think that they’re going to change for one single event to spare the sensibilities of the fans that came to see them then you’re asking a little too much. Some of these folks appear to believe that the fans should worship the ground they walk on, but the funny thing is that they’ve been reminded that their line of work isn’t exactly essential in recent months. The shutdown was the exclamation point that kind of drove that home since celebrities took to making PSA’s and sending videos from home just to stay in the public eye. If you think that they were all concerned about your safety then congratulations, you are the weakest link.

There are actors out there that genuinely care about their fan base, and then there are those that pay lip service to the fans and not much else since as I stated they believe that their position allows them to believe that the fans are disposable since they’ll always be there no matter what. And guess what? It’s true. Fans will pop up and support actors no matter how poorly they act, and they’ll support actors when they get in trouble that would get the average person arrested, and they’ll support them during drug use, ill behavior, and through many other situations that would be frowned upon when exhibited by an average citizen. So Thomas Jane was being disruptive and mean to people? Boohoo. There’s not a lot of excuses for actors that want to act like jerks other than the fact that people don’t really know why they’re acting in such a manner. The type of behavior exhibited by Jane is usually the type that indicates that the actor really doesn’t care about anyone else but themselves or is being intentionally disruptive just to get things to move along. It’s true, this isn’t the best way for an actor to present themselves to the public, but if a person is looking for an apology then they’d be waiting for a while since it’s not bound to happen. If an actor’s ill behavior is all it takes to hurt a person’s feelings then maybe it’s time to stop watching their movies or possibly time to stop attending Comic-Cons, which isn’t too hard of a prospect right now.

It might sound cynical and not at all helpful, but as fans, we don’t always know what actors have to go through on a regular basis either. Judging an actor for their behavior feels like it’s justified and entirely within our rights, and it can be and it is really, but doing this in a rational manner is something that a lot of people don’t tend to do since they see their own side of the story and nothing else. So Thomas Jane was acting like a jerk. Did that make the Comic-Con any less fun?

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