David Cross Says That Arrested Development is Done For Good
Sometimes fans are a bit too rabid for their own good since continually hounding for another season of Arrested Development is likely starting to grate on som
Sometimes fans are a bit too rabid for their own good since continually hounding for another season of Arrested Development is likely starting to grate on som
If anyone told a fan of The Office that it was almost destined to begin and then end in one season it’s likely that not a lot of people would believe th
The plot of the second season of Alex Rider is kind of interesting since takes the world domination and destruction angle in a different direction finally sin
Does anyone else get jealous watching Babish cook? It’s true that all you really need is the desire and the ingredients, as well as the directions if yo
There are several ways a movie can tank in a big way, but the dialogue has to be one of the most irritating of them all since it can take a great movie premis
Typically we don’t get to hear about an actor making a small amount of money, which is still quite large to most of us, for a single movie. Decades ago
It’s kind of tough to think that anything Harrison Ford has done is underrated, isn’t it? Well to be honest a lot of performances have usually bee
Now and again there are movies that get made that people don’t expect much out of and yet somehow they end up being pretty good despite the low expectat
It’s always fascinating to discover that some of our favorite TV shows managed to thrive despite the fact that certain actors couldn’t stand each
Denise Crosby: More Than Just Star Trek’s Lt. Tasha Yar It’s fascinating how an actor can have such an extensive career, yet still be primarily as