Why Ralph Macchio Wasn’t in “The Next Karate Kid”
It’s kind of hard for people to believe this, but there doesn’t have to be any big, fanciful, or negative reason for a star to pass on a movie tha
It’s kind of hard for people to believe this, but there doesn’t have to be any big, fanciful, or negative reason for a star to pass on a movie tha
Ask a dozen people what they think about Starship Troopers and it’s likely that at least half of them, if not more, will tell you that it’s a goof
Somehow the Appalachian Mountains are an extremely popular place for various horror stories to take place, likely because the mountain range is a perfect spot
Deepfake gets funny sometimes, impressive at others, and downright creepy the rest of the time. Does anyone think that Aquaman might actually want to kiss a w
Okay, so Agatha was in fact the villain, but obviously not a very prepared one since her ability to cage Wanda wasn’t all that great. If there was any r
Victor Williams is another actor that’s been doing just fine over the years and is a decent to good actor since he’s convincing and can back up th
Trust isn’t a big thing in American Gods since Odin/Wednesday is still proving that as a usurper and as the chief deity of the Norse pantheon he’s
When exploring a land that’s filled with culture and tradition one can’t ignore some of the darker and more suspect aspects of what’s there
It sounds extremely contradictory to state that a movie might be great but still forgettable, but it does happen since that movie might be great at the moment
Sam McMurray is someone that a lot of people can probably recognize since they’ve seen him numerous times over the years. He’s been in so many mov