The Original Blade Runner Gets the Honest Trailer Treatment
It was bound to happen just like with any other movie. The Honest Trailers got a hold of Blade Runner and decided to rip it apart just like they tend to do. Y
It was bound to happen just like with any other movie. The Honest Trailers got a hold of Blade Runner and decided to rip it apart just like they tend to do. Y
There are some films that set out initially to utilize the talents of one actor only to realize that their first choice isn’t bound to work out as well
Do you know why mass shootings are really used in movies? They up the value since people like to see more action than drama a lot of times. There are those am
If you’ve heard the name Rick Pitino being thrown around like a treat being tossed about for a pack of rabid dogs it’s likely that you’ve be
Val Kilmer was a great actor at one time and he could be again if he really tried. His impersonation of Marlon Brando was great to some, amazing to others, bu
It’s an old classic that a lot of people (cough, cough, millennials, cough) might not remember. Just kidding millennials, I know that there are a lot of
Whether your remember this movie or not it’s one of those that is kind of blah until you really get into the story. It’s all about a former mail c
The 1990’s weren’t as tumultuous as prior decades but they were indeed a little nutty when it came to advertisements. Video game ads were consider
Batman vs. Pennywise? Sorry, but I think the clown would find a way to get into Batman’s head and torment him without end until the Dark Knight finally
Despite not sticking to the book, as usually happens in any story that’s transitioned from the page to screen, Pet Sematary did not undergo a completely