Adam Sandler Shares Funny Story Where Dustin Hoffman Snubbed Daniel Day Lewis
Is it just me or is Adam Sandler getting less funny as he gets older? This little story about Dustin Hoffman snubbing Daniel-Day Lewis was amusing but it wasn
Is it just me or is Adam Sandler getting less funny as he gets older? This little story about Dustin Hoffman snubbing Daniel-Day Lewis was amusing but it wasn
So basically Rick just sold out Morty’s peace and quiet, and his room, to a bunch of Old Spice cannisters that are going to make the entire bedroom reek
Who is Jango Fett? WHO IS JANGO FETT??? Sorry, I get a bit worked up when people ask questions that are known us Star Wars nerds. After all Jango Fett is, or
Coming next April Pixar fans and Disney fans alike should be think about preparing to make a trip on down to the mouse’s house for one of the most spect
It’s great to want to make changes but sometimes you need to see just what’s needed before you start making those costly decisions. Brubaker is th
As far as movies go a good action flick is always something to anticipate. One that stars a female lead is also a big draw, but in terms of Kate, the newest f
Sylvester Stallone has been a busy man when it came to having kids, not as busy as the Duggars obviously but still enough that he’s had two sons from a
Yeah let’s leave the opening theme without words since it brings it up so many glaring inadequacies that the show doesn’t really address that well
This seems like a really odd idea. I understand that the Hunger Games is a popular franchise, I do get that part. It was a decent movie and as I’ve hear
This is something you don’t see everyday even if such statements seem to follow on the heels of the kind of stereotypes that people are desperately tryi