Franklin & Bash 4.05 Review: “Deep Throat”
Five weeks into Season 4, and Franklin & Bash is really rolling on all cylinders. The boys have returned to form, Stanton is becoming more like them eve
Five weeks into Season 4, and Franklin & Bash is really rolling on all cylinders. The boys have returned to form, Stanton is becoming more like them eve
It’s wonderfully refreshing to see that Franklin & Bash maintain its form throughout cast changes and schedule shifts. This week was no differen
It’s been a season of transition in Season 4 of TNT’s Franklin & Bash. Infeld Daniels (& King- Season 3) has become Infeld, Daniels, Fran
I have to admit that Tyrant , which has had its problems, really stepped up a notch in the finale. As the season went on, it became less and less predictab
In the penultimate episode of FX’s freshman drama, Tyrant set itself up for a finale that will either make or break the entire series. Barry showed the
In this week’s season finale of A&E’s reality series, Duck Dynasty, it successfully showcased all of it’s attributes that have attracte
After Barry’s jaw-dropping scene last week, following with the most exciting episode ending of Tyrant‘s freshman run, expectations were high comi
Have I mentioned to you how much I love Phil Robertson? I’m sure I have. This week’s Duck Dynasty may have contained one of my favorite Phil Robe
Wow. Just as I was about to give up, Tyrant raised its game to an exceptional level. Between this week’s episode and the preview for next week, all of
Duck Dynasty has finally begun to reach the level that it attained in its early years of greatness. After a bit of a rut in early season six, The Robertson c