The Good Wife 2.14 “Net Worth” Review – Lots of Surprises!
Knowing I am in the minority, I still enjoy the hell out the scenes with Alicia and her brother, Owen. I really buy their sibling relationship. “The sul
Knowing I am in the minority, I still enjoy the hell out the scenes with Alicia and her brother, Owen. I really buy their sibling relationship. “The sul
Marti goes to her law professor, Julian Parrish, with Vanessa at her side to talk him into not revealing the video evidence against Jake so they could have on
I may be alone in my assessment of “Blind Love,” but I thought it was tired, and devoid of originality. Nothing about it was satisfying, amusing,
As Alicia is canvassing a neighborhood for people to join a class action suit against a large pharmaceutical company for causing devastating fertility problem
“Remember When” was not at all what I expected it to be. For some reason, I imagined a fun and bubbly walk down memory lane, but what I watch was
I just have to get this off my chest. I went to sleep last night at 8pm. Clearly one hour before Private Practice was to start in my Mountain Time zone.
I cannot lie. Matt Czuchry has grown up into a hell of an actor and a damned sexy one, as well. I adore cases when he is featured and “Silly Season̶
It seems like every week on Hellcats is another opportunity for a party or a fundraiser. This week, they’re throwing a party to launch their Hellcats ca
Color me confused. It just never dawned on me that Savannah would tell everyone about Marti and Dan. It has been so long since the show has aired, not even th
Only the third episode in and the Lincolns are already in a split decision regarding the future of their show. Limon’s Boys is now called Pucks, as the