Person Of Interest Season 4 Episode 16 Review: “Blunt”
The most difficult thing about creating a work of science-fiction like Person Of Interest is that there is an extended suspension of disbelief required. It&
The most difficult thing about creating a work of science-fiction like Person Of Interest is that there is an extended suspension of disbelief required. It&
This is it. This is what we’ve all been waiting for from Better Call Saul. “Hero” is the episode in which the show really and finally steps
This week’s episode of The Bachelor was really confusing, really sad, and really, really hilarious. The first two things were foregrounded in the episo
I want to get something out of the way first: I hate Togetherness. I can’t stand the characters, I can’t stand the message, and I can’t sta
Person Of Interest had some interesting parallels tonight. We were reintroduced to Claire, the girl Harold tried to stop from joining Samaritan. Her change
This was the best Supernatural of the season, and maybe the best one in five years. Seriously. For the first time in longer than I can even remember, I was
When watching Better Call Saul, it’s hard to not compare Jimmy McGill to Walter White. The show is made by the same guys, set in the same place, goes a
Tonight’s The Bachelor was drama-filled, and more than a little uncomfortable. The fun that was present when everything was fresh and new has long sin
Quick disclaimer: I’m about to rant and say weird things (probably) about tonight’s episode of The Bachelor, so if you came here for professio
I think my opinion has permanently changed on Togetherness. Much of my criticisms straddle a fine line; the difference between an out of character decision/l