Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

Vanderpump Rules’ Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney have successfully launched their long-awaited sandwich shop Something About Her, following months of challenging delays. Despite these setbacks, the duo officially opened their West Hollywood establishment on May 22, 2024. Fans, who had eagerly awaited this moment since it was teased during the show’s reunion in 2023, showed up in droves.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

The opening was met with significant enthusiasm. According to Ariana, It was very, very exciting when we were opening the blinds. The line has been crazy. We are a small place, so, that’s been really awesome. Indeed, fans waited patiently for hours outside the cheery space, illustrating the high demand for a seat inside the new hotspot.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

Excitement Builds Despite Setbacks

The atmosphere inside and outside Something About Her was palpable as hundreds of people gathered to experience what they had seen teased for so long. The aesthetic of the shop is a delightful blend of California country and European café vibes, capturing a unique sense of warmth and style.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney have created Something About Her, a beautiful sandwich shop that embodies both a California country feel and European café vibes. However, the lead-up to this grand opening was fraught with complications—health inspections forcing kitchen remodels, extensive permit challenges, and even logistical nightmares with outdoor seating arrangements.

Create Success Amid Challenges

The permits ordeal was particularly stressful. As Katie Maloney explained during a reunion episode, they don’t operate the same way [in West Hollywood] as the greater Los Angeles does. Echoing this sentiment during an interview on The Nikki & Brie Show, she elaborated that bureaucratic holdups were primarily responsible for delaying their plans.Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

The shop temporarily lacked proper city permits for its envisioned patio dining area, which created additional hurdles. Remarkably though, Ariana and Katie’s perseverance paid off as they continued to refine their business plans amidst various disruptions.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West HollywoodAriana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

Smooth Operations Further Ahead?

Still, these issues didn’t deter their fan base. One eyewitness reportedly commented that despite the wait exceeding two hours on opening day, many were excited just to step inside. However, there were hints of dissatisfaction from some patrons who noted the lack of decoration or clearly marked celebratory gestures like balloons or signs.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

This tempered reaction also included complaints regarding limited seating. Nonetheless, Ariana addressed waiting customers with understanding: please bear with us… We’re going to be moving slowly but we’re very excited to have you.

Looking Ahead

The soft opening glitches notwithstanding, Ariana expressed optimism about finalizing outstanding tasks swiftly. Customers can look forward to a steady stream of delectable sandwiches enticingly displayed at Something About Her. Perhaps the general uncertainties surrounding initial service will soon be replaced by smooth operations ensuring customer satisfaction.

Ariana Madix and Katie Maloney Open Popular Sandwich Shop in West Hollywood

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