Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Disney princesses are usually already too cute to begin with, but their cuteness factor is dialed up even further when anime artist Giulliano Ricchi gets a hold of them. You might have never thought that they could be any more beautiful but you would have been dead wrong. Of course a few big differences between the traditional Disney art and anime is the liberal use of vibrant color, the size of their eyes, and the fact that there aren’t that many hard, angular lines that make these scenes all that challenging to the viewer. More and more people seem to be tuning in and turning on to the idea of Disney princesses and other Disney moments recaptured in anime.

Here are just a few that the artist has managed to redo in a most wonderful manner.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

She always seems to be near the top of the list as one of the many princesses that Disney fans think about. It’s kind of odd but still understandable as she was one of the few that sparked off a new interest in Disney for a new generation of kids. Despite not being the first princess she was and still is one of the most beloved of the bunch. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she’s not just waiting for her prince but still isn’t that tough either. She’s more of a happy medium.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Despite not being a princess, Mulan definitely sparked off new era in princess lore that showed how things were beginning to change. She showed that she didn’t need a man to fight her battles and, despite trying to BE a man, she also showed that women could be just as tough. The ‘damsel in distress’ stereotype wasn’t broken yet, but it was being changed in very noticeable ways.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Jasmine is another princess that continued the trend to show that princesses were not just pretty faces that were waiting for a prince to save them. However despite how tough she was she still wasn’t quite the type of fighter that could defend herself all that well. She was carrying on the torch though by being so free-spirited and undeniably strong-willed.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

There’s no telling what Rapunzel might have been like had she been raised outside of her tower. But in her current predicament she was still so very light-hearted and carefree that her toughness was more of a byproduct, a survival instinct if you will. In recent years though ,especially since she’s gotten her own show, the long-haired lass has become decidedly stronger and a lot more crafty.

Snow White

Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Despite the fact that the earliest versions show her as the type to depend heavily upon her prince and those around her, later versions of Snow White show her being quite tough. She’s gone from innocent young girl to seasoned princess in the span of several decades. Yet for all that many still remember her in this current form, needing a prince to come save her.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Too many people discount Cinderella’s innate toughness when they see the fact that she needs a prince to come and save her from a life of servitude. She’s already been through the ringer and shown that she can take despite the evil machinations of her wicked stepmother and stepsisters. So as delicate and fragile as she might appear onscreen, Cinderella is inherently tougher than some.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Ever notice how Ariel seems to pop up more often than a lot of princesses? She has a fiery spirit that is only dampened by the fact that she is not much of a fighter. She’s rebellious, and that is a big part of how she differs from a few of the other princesses. While most of them have a rebellious streak hers is so obvious that it’s caused her father to go absolutely berserk, and a guy with a trident that can blast apart a stone statue is nothing to mess with.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Pocahontas catches a lot of flak for being so historically inaccurate, but the Disney story is still touching. She’s one of the most fierce and independent princesses ever devised and yet is still kind and gentle enough to be considered as one of those that might actually need someone in her life. Sadly her story is unbearably tragic since she and John Smith cannot stay together.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Now this is the most delicate princess on the list. She’s not much of a fighter, doesn’t have as much attitude as the others, and is not overall sassy. She was raised by three fairies in disguise and completely unaware of who she was. In short, she was just another pretty face for much of the film.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Despite not being a fighter she was one of the most fiercely independent women in all of Disney’s history. She did a lot to break down the stereotype that women needed a man and turned it into the fact that women WANT a man that is worthy of their attention.  Of course critics have spoken for and against this development but overall Belle is a huge favorite of many Disney fans for her attitude.


Anime Versions Of Disney Princesses That are Too Cute

Another tough-willed woman that wants something that amounts to a dream, Tiana is not the type to lay back and wait for it to come. Kind of like Belle she is independent, hard-working, and knows what she wants and will not settle for anything else. The attitude era for princesses is still ongoing, but its pioneers were set way back before the year 2000.

I particularly like the fact that the artist softened the lines but kept all the attitude. Great work.

Photos via Instagram


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