People Are Reviewing Shazam 2 and It Hasn’t Started Filming Yet

People Are Reviewing Shazam 2 and It Hasn’t Started Filming Yet

This proves that people are bored and just need something to do since Shazam 2 hasn’t even started filming and folks are already stating what they think of it. Unless people have gained the ability to see into the future, which might be useful at this moment, there’s no way to tell just what’s coming since the sequel to the DC movie is still in script form and might not even be in theaters until 2022 or even 2023 since finding a place to set up and shoot the movie is bound to be a little problematic with the current state of things. Needless to say, a lot of fans are ready to see the sequel put in motion, but whether or not it will live up to the expectations that so many are already building is something we’ll have to sort out later. But commenting on a movie that hasn’t even left the page yet is, well, a sure sign of boredom and at least a bit of desperation. Unfortunately, that appears to be the overall theme of this current year when it comes to entertainment, which is a bit funny since there’s been plenty of enjoyment to be had across various streaming networks, and there are plenty of ways to negate the doldrums that have gripped so many when it comes to being entertained. The idea that we need constant stimulation from new movies is evident, but at this point, it looks more like a mania that has to be fed constantly so that it doesn’t get out of control.

One way to say it is that we’ve become kind of spoiled when it comes to movies and movie theaters since the whole experience still means something and is a special way to get out of the house and enjoy an evening with a significant other, one’s family, or just as a means of having a nice, relaxing time on your own. But taking that away and watching the reaction of so many makes it clear that the luxury of being able to walk into a theater and enjoy a new movie is an excess that people have taken for granted for a while, and studios have been using as a means of lining their pockets on a continual basis. In other words, the people watching have thrown a fit because they don’t have access to this source of entertainment any longer. The studios are hard to speak for since they’re still attempting to find a way chug along and satisfy the viewers, but people reacting in their various manners make it obvious that we’ve been spoiled for a while and don’t want to have that small bit of luxury taken out of our lives. Does anyone even realize that watching movies is a privilege and not an essential part of life? It sounds odd to say this as an entertainment writer, but it’s the truth. Entertainment is important to our lives since it gives us a way to unwind and step out of our own world for a moment, but there are a lot of other avenues to travel down when it comes to entertainment, as the movies are just one out of many.

Let’s even it out and say that the movies are a lot of fun, they’re a thrill ride that a lot of us enjoy since they do take us away from the real world for a short period of time. But jumping the gun and commenting about a sequel before it’s even made is kind of manic in a way that’s a little disturbing. It should hopefully remind folks that there are times when we go a little overboard in our quest for entertainment and should probably think about taking a chill pill before relaxing and figuring out that there are a number of other things to do besides sitting in a darkened movie theater munching on popcorn and watching the latest flick. Shazam was a fun movie and the sequel will probably be just as entertaining, hopefully, but jumping on the fake trailer created by the director like a pack of hyenas going after a juicy morsel is enough to make a person shake their head as they wonder at the state of the world and what the pandemic has reduced us to at times. Okay so that was a bit dramatic, but it’s not too far from the truth since too many people tend to make a person think that they simply can’t do without a regular infusion of something new and exciting, which is kind of sad really since there’s bound to be a great deal of entertainment out there that a lot of people haven’t seen or experienced and could get a kick out of.

Shazam will be back eventually, but until then just dial down on the need to pounce on anything new, it’ll be okay.

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