10 Things You Didn’t Know about Jesse T. Usher

Jesse T Usher

From what it sounds like, Jessie T. Usher is the kind of person that sees a challenge and then devises a way to meet it and exceed all expectations. His career thus far has been something that might not be able to wow everyone but it’s impressive enough that it definitely seems able to be his claim to fame and the reason why he’s starting to trend up in a very big way. It could be said that he’s trying to latch on to popular TV shows and movies to attain his fame but then this same thing could be said of a lot of people since it’s a smart and very common thing to do until a person finds their own groove and settles in. Jessie isn’t doing much that other people haven’t done but so far he’s making a huge success of it since he’s been moving steadily forward and not in a backwards direction as he continues to climb the show biz ladder towards what he wants.

Here are a few things about Jessie you might not have known.

10. Jessie started showing an interest in acting when he was 5.

It sounds like Jessie got bit by the acting bug at an early age and the desire never really went away. His ideal career was being in front of the camera it sounds like and thankfully his family was very supportive of this from early on as they did whatever was necessary to keep him moving forward with it.

9. He’s in his late 20s at this time.

He has a lot of time left for his career and is no doubt planning out a few moves ahead here and there but is otherwise having fun with it and taking on the kind of roles he wants while doing what he can to make sure the fans respond to him in the best way. At this point there’s no real limit for him as of yet.

8. His presence on social media is still rising.

He does have a good number of followers on social media and it seems fair to say that his numbers are only going to rise as he keeps moving ahead as more and more people are going to be likely to follow him as the years keep rolling on and new fans emerge and take note of what he’s done.

7. If you don’t remember he was in Independence Day: Resurgence.

He played the part of Dylan Hiller, the adopted son of Steve Hiller played by Will Smith, who wasn’t in the second movie for various reasons that many people would probably put their two cents in about.

6. He’ll also be starring in the the Shaft movie.

He’s going to be playing John Shaft’s son and so far it looks as though he’s going to be vastly different from his father and grandfather in a lot of ways. But it could be an interesting way to look at the movie since it will undoubtedly be keeping with the times.

5. Jessie started out doing commercials.

What really kickstarted his desire for acting was the fact that his sister was being cast in a commercial. That kind of got him going and from there he went into commercials and then eventually things just got rolling.

4. He studied culinary arts in college.

One thing Jessie didn’t do was deny himself a great education as he did attend college where he was in the culinary program for a while, picking up even more skills he could use if the moment ever calls for it.

3. At the beginning of his career he started out guest-starring on a few different shows.

Jessie did in fact show up in a lot of programs as a guest star to start with but this was a great start for someone that was needing a boost to his career and also needed the kind of experience that would help him break into even bigger roles that would eventually see him recognized as a true talent.

2. He does have plans to produce and direct films in the future.

It seems pretty obvious that a lot of actors are going to want to produce or direct at some point in their career since after acting in so many movies or TV show it seems fair to say that they’ll want to experience things from the other side of the camera and will be bringing their own expertise as actors to try and create something that they believe people will want to watch. It’s not the easiest transition in the world, but a lot of people do attempt it.

1. He’s a very family-minded person.

This is one reason he’s not so big on social media, he likes to spend time with his family and happens to enjoy being around the people in his life that matter to him.

He seems like a very well-adjusted person.

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