Meet The Cast of “That Dirty Black Bag”

Meet The Cast of “That Dirty Black Bag”

Westerns are making a comeback, and few things made that more evident than the craze over the hit show “Yellowstone,” that the world likely did not see coming. Now it has a spinoff of its own called “1883,” and the world is tuning into that one, too. It seems that there is a western theme going on now – perhaps it has something to do with the fact that so many people are looking for a simpler, easier, more laid-back way of life (as if any western makes that look easy)? Whatever it is, the new show “Dirty Black Bag,” is already making an impression, and there are many who want to know who the AMC show will star. There are two main characters and a handful of characters who will make an appearance in all 8 episodes, so that’s who we focused on for this introduction.

Dominic Cooper

He’s taking on the role of one of the two main characters on the show, and the character’s name is Sheriff Arthur McCoy. If you forgot how you know his face and his name, it is because he is seriously famous. This English actor is known for his roles in the “Mamma Mia,” movies, for being the earlier (younger, whatever) version of Howard Stark in the Captain America Marvel show, and so many other things he’s done with his career.

Douglas Booth

The other main character on the show is Red Bill, a bounty hunter played by Booth. He was part of a Netflix movie called “The Dirt” that went over well with fans. He’s also been in projects such as “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” and he is exceptionally talented.

Niv Sultan

Fun fact about Niv; She is from Israel, and her fans always love to find out where she gets her gorgeous looks. You know her from roles in films such as “Eilat” and “Tehran,” both of which were filmed in the last few years. She is keeping busy.

Guido Caprino

This Italian superstar has been in just about everything, and he is easily recognizable. He starred in the 2016 film “Medici,” alongside his fellow co-star Daniel Caltagirone. They are going to work together again on this project.

Christian Cooke

“The Doctors,” star is one fans are really excited to see. He is famous for his many roles, but this West Yorkshire-raised actor is so handsome that the ladies are lining up to see him in this new role. Perhaps they are wondering how he will look in his western wear.

Travis Fimmel

He might not be the main character, but he’s part of the entire season. We don’t know much about his role, but we know this actor is from Australia, and he is excited about this role.

Aidan Gillen

This Irish actor has made appearances in so many projects that there is no way fans don’t recognize him immediately. He’s from the most famous “Game of Thrones,” and he is also from “The Dark Knight Rises,” and now he’s doing another project that sets him apart.

Paterson Joseph

This English actor is excited about his new role, and he already has a fanbase. He starred in the 2000 hit movie, “The Beach,” and he killed it in that role. Fans are thrilled he is coming to television.

Rose Williams

She’s an actress from London, England, who has been featured in numerous projects. She’s well-known for her roles in movies such as “Curfew,” and “A Quiet Passion.” Her fans cannot wait to see what her character is like.

Anna Chancellor

This English actress is famous. She was part of the “Four Weddings and a Funeral,” cast, and she only takes on roles that allow her to shine. A fun fact is that this project is not the first one she’s starred in alongside Dominic Cooper, either. They were in “Fleming: The Man Who Would Be Bond,” together.

Zoe Boyle

She’s the famed English actress we all know and recognize from her role in “Downton Abbey,” and she’s back with a much different character this time around. However, if you did not catch her there, perhaps you recognize her from “Sons of Anarchy”.

Ivan Shaw

He’s well-known as a producer, but he’s been acting a lot the past few years. He really began to grow in fame in 2020 when he was part of the “Nocturne,” project. However, he is also starring in the new movie, “The Cleaning Lady,” which was filmed in 2022.

Eugene Brave Rock

He starred opposite Gal Gadot in the 2017 film “Wonder Woman,” and he absolutely nailed it. His fans have been waiting with baited breath for this talented star to choose a new project, and they are elated to find out he’s done it with a western.

Daniel Caltagirone

He starred alongside his new costar Paterson Joseph back in 2000 when they were part of the film “The Beach,” and now they are reunited, which should thrill fans. However, he also starred in the exceptionally famous film “The Pianist,” alongside Adrien Brody, and he changed the game for himself with that role.

Lorenzo McGovern Zaini

He’s just a child of 12, but he’s more talented than most of us. He began his career in 2021 when he was only 11, and he hasn’t looked back since. He was in the film “Christmas Thieves,” and this is a role that is nothing like that one.

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