A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

The Pennywise trend is here just in time for Halloween and joy of joys and women are getting in on the act now too. It was to be expected after all since a lot of women tend to like horror and IT is an iconic horror movie that millions upon millions of people love. But some of these costumes might even be creepier than those the men are wearing. Behold the female Pennywise trend and you decide for yourself is this is scary or awkwardly desirable:

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

So think about, your wife, girlfriend, friend even, decides to tell you that she’s got to ‘put her face on’ and then comes out like this. Would you run, or be impressed? Be honest now.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

You want your boat? Right? Go on, take it. Go on, don’t be scared, it’ll float. You’ll float too by the way. We all flooooat down here.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

Okay seriously this looks like Pennywise’s little sister or something, creepy as all get out but still somehow innocent enough to make you think “Oh, it’s okay, she’s not that bad”. They’re all that bad, trust the movies and the book if nothing else.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

I was about to say this doesn’t look particularly vicious but then I saw those eyes and had to repress a quick shudder so that I could write without managing to stutter out a typo every other world. Whoops.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

This looks like the Goth version of Pennywise. I didn’t think the look could get much creepier but each one of these images keeps on raising the bar so that it seems impossible for such a though to form anymore.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

No offense because the look is pretty cool, but she looks like a cross between Pennywise and Ronald McDonald. She looks innocent but also looks like she could rip your spleen out of your, um, er, navel, and make it seem as innocent as pulling handkerchiefs from nowhere.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

This almost looks like a sultry, pouting Pennywise. Maybe her weapon isn’t fear but something a little more alluring, a seductive way to die. Hey, there are worse ways yeah? At least her jaw isn’t unhinging with multiple rows of teeth being revealed.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

The makeup is on and so is the clothing but there’s something odd about the hair. It almost looks dyed or covered with aluminum foil. If I knew what it was I’d give a definitive answer but it’s just confusing at the moment.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

This kind of looks like a Pennywise from a cross between the 1920’s and 1980’s. The 20’s because of the  big baggy top and hairdo, the 80’s because of the stockings and shoes. It’s a mesmerizing look really that makes me a little anxious due to the conflicting looks.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

There’s Pennywise’s little sister again and she’s got that strange look in her eye. She’s also standing over a sewer grate. This doesn’t bode well.

A Female Pennywise Costume Trend Has Arisen for Halloween

Don’t ask me why but I immediately thought of the Thundercats when I saw this. Maybe it’s the kind of tawny look to her skin or the wild way she’s wearing her hair. Plus the almost cat-looking nose paint and eyes make the look even more so. After that it’s all clown.

Clowns-are-evil, and oh so much fun.


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