Castle 5.21 “The Squab And The Quail” Review

Beckett 5x21First and foremost, I am so sorry for not posting a review about last week’s Castle. As most of you know, this is not my day job and I have been insanely busy at my actual job – hence the lack of the time to sit down and write a review. That said, I really, really enjoyed “The Fast and the Furriest”. Although it was a filler episode, it was still really fun and entertaining with that balance between great character dynamic and chemistry and the actual case. It seemed like TPTB had finally found the balance between Castle and Beckett’s relationship and the rest of the show.

And then “The Squab and the Quail” happened. I am still not sure of my feelings about this episode. Even though it wasn’t a bad one, I just really, really despised the way they wrote Castle. I think they tried to make him come across like a typical guy (no offense to anyone), but it just seemed a little out of character. I am totally on Team Kate about this because he is taking her for granted and I think he has been for a while now. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems that since they got together, there’s been a dramatic shift in balance between them. Now Kate is the one who wants to talk, who is doing the chasing and who is so completely head over heels in love with the man, while Castle seems to sort of have lost interest. So I am not sure what they are trying to do with this or where they are going, but as of right now, I am not sure I like it.

Anyway, as for the episode, I liked Erik Vaughn (aka Mr. Fantastic), but I thought he was a tad too eager – not to mention disrespectful – in his pursuit of Beckett. I completely understand how Kate almost fell for his charming ways, but I was totally cheering her on when she pushed him away and when she was completely honest with Castle and told him about the kiss. I thought this episode had its fair share of funny moments and maybe the only obvious continuity issue was that Gates now seems to know about their relationship, for she didn’t bat an eyelid when Castle stormed out of her office in jealousy when Kate was assigned to spend the night protecting Mr. Fantastic.

Now maybe we will see the continuity issue once “Still” airs next week, because from the promo – and leaked sneak peek – it seems that (SPOILER ALERT!) everything is just fine between them. And with the way the episode ended (and my heart totally broke for Kate at that moment, but more about that in a second), I doubt Kate would be able to act all lovey dovey with him as if absolutely nothing had happened. Not season 5 Kate. Unless they’re making her change back to her closed off self after Castle shuts her off. Because, really, there is no way Castle is that stupid. He knew exactly what she meant when she asked him where they were going and he chose to avoid the real question. At least that is my take on it based on the character I have come to know and love for the past five seasons.

I really don’t know. What do you guys think?


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