Never-Before-Seen Kurt Cobain Paintings Just Released
Whatever celebrities do seems to pull in followers and those that want to own a piece of what they consider to be history or something of great importance bec
Whatever celebrities do seems to pull in followers and those that want to own a piece of what they consider to be history or something of great importance bec
What should have happened already is going to happen in the next installment of Ant Man as the movie Ant Man and the Wasp is set to come to theaters eventuall
At one point in time, there was speculation that 3D movies would soon overtake their 2D counterparts. Although 3D movies had been building momentum for some t
For those who are unfamiliar, American Gods is a fantasy drama based on the novel of the same name. In light of its name, it should come as no surprise to le
One thing that social media has done is give the average person a platform through which they can achieve their 15 minutes of fame, and in many instances, ach
The stars of television shows and movies have the unique ability to entertain, inform, and inspire audiences simultaneously. In addition, they can be highly i
If you’ve read the books you should be able to understand everything I’m about to say. If not, well, then try to keep up. The Dark Tower is not do
It’s not every day that you would see a formerly married couple work together. On tonight’s America’s Got Talent, it’s about to happen
If you’re a fan of gold lame or a trip back into the 1970s, then you’re gonna love David Hasselhoff’s new video. We must thank “Guardi
Like its name suggests, Manhunt: Unabomber is an American drama mini-series based on the hunt for Ted Kaczynski, who was called the Unabomber as shorthand for