Young and the Restless Spoilers: Phyllis is Making Moves

Young and the Restless Spoilers: Phyllis is Making Moves

Young and the Restless fans are not surprised how this week is getting off to such a crazy start. It’s how things work around here, and we all know that is not going to change anytime in the near future. There is so much more to this than we thought, though. For instance, we didn’t know that there was so much going on that made Jill and Devon both feel that there is an issue with Tucker. The fact that he is nowhere to be found might not seem like a big deal in the moment, but they are both in agreement that this is not normal, and they both feel that there might be something wrong that they have to fix. Of course, they always feel this way when it comes to their families and the people that they know, so this might not be what they think it is.

We also know Abby is hurting, but she is not about to allow Nate to get back into her life. She might, eventually, but that is not today. She is not having anything that he is offering right now. She’s upset, she’s handling this poorly, and nothing about that surprises us in the least. She’s not someone who has done anything in her life to make things easy, but this is something we thought might just work out for her. Nick is not going to be happy when he decides to push his luck and things don’t go his way, but Chelsea is also unhappy right now, too. She’s not in a good mood when people begin questioning her motives, and that’s because she actually feels that they are good — for once. She might not feel that what she is up to is a bad thing, and we might just disagree.

What’s Happening on Young and the Restless

That is a good question.

What’s Next on Young and the Restless

We are just so done with this. We are so tired of everything that is going on with Sharon and Rey. They are not meant to be, and they are driving us to insanity trying to be together in a manner that just does not work for them. They are not the kind of couple that needs to be together, and we all know this. They are not meant to be. They are not going to work. They are hurting one another left and right, we all know it, they know it, it’s not working. Yet, here they are. Rumor has it that today they will decide — together — to try and start over all fresh and clean. They are ready to put the past in the past and move on with their lives, and we just don’t believe they can do it. It’s never going to work.

And that’s not all. Phyllis is about to make some moves, and we hear that she’s going to make some bold ones left and right. She’s not done with people in her life telling her what to do just yet, but that doesn’t mean she’s in the habit of listening to them do this. She’s not having it, and they’re not stopping her. There’s a lot more that will go on right now, but we also have to mention that there is going to be a bit more with Cane. He needs to find the truth, and there is only one place to look for that. It’s right here.

Stay tuned for more Young and the Restless and be sure to check out TVOvermind daily for the latest Young and the Restless spoilers, news, and updates.

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