Wikipedia Founder to Petition J.J. Abrams for More ‘LOST’ « TVOvermind

Unless you’re a hardcore internet surfer, you’ve probably never heard of Jimmy Wales. But chances are, you’ve heard of his creation, something that has fundementally changed the internet forever. I’m talking about Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that Wales co-created along with Larry Sanger.
But now, Wales (pictured left) is hoping to have an impact on television. The entrepreneur, also a member of the LOST fansite Lostpedia, recently posted a blog stating that he wanted more LOST. However, unlike most fans who complain about the end of the series, Wales actually has the power to do something about it: he knows J.J. Abrams.
Of course, it’s no secret that Abrams’ involvement with the series has been minimal since season one. However, Wales still believes that it’s worth a shot to talk to Abrams, as evidenced by this blog post he made on Lostpedia.
I’m pretty sad that Lost is coming to an end. And I had an idea.
I know J. J. Abrams personally, not well, but I see him once a year. I would love to hand-deliver a massive petition to him, organized by Lostpedia, asking him to make Lost movies, or… well, why don’t we vote on what to ask him, and then rally the entire Internet to ask him? Can’t hurt, and could be fun. :)
I personally disagree with Wales; I think it could hurt. More LOST would be a bad thing that could potentially ruin the legacy of the series that was smart enough to choose its own end. However, since he left the subject of what to petition J.J. open, I think it could be interesting to petition something of Abrams via Wales.
I wouldn’t hestitate to ask Abrams to sign on as a producer of the Terry O’Quinn/Michael Emerson series which O’Quinn is currently shopping to TNT. What would you petition Abrams for? Or rather, what would you have Wales petition Abrams for?

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