Why Marvel’s Iceman Deserves a Solo Movie or TV Series

Why Marvel’s Iceman Deserves a Solo Movie or TV Series

If a movie or TV series based around Iceman from the X-Men ever did come out it’s a sure thing that we’d be seeing something completely different from what’s already been delivered in the X-Men movies since now that Disney owns it all things are going to change up in a big way, but the idea of seeing this character take over on his own doesn’t feel likely. It’s possible that he could be the central character in his own show or movie, but Iceman, aka Bobby Drake, would need a lot of help to make this project really work. It does help that he was one of the founding members of the X-Men, which means that there could be a way to explore his backstory and his character in a way that might show how he grew up, joined the team, and then what’s been going on during the times that came after. It would also be nice to see Iceman finally given the attention that he deserves seeing as how he’s far more powerful than he really gets credit for since his ice powers go beyond turning his body to ice and creating ice sleds that allow him to slip and slide his way forward. As an Omega-level mutant, he’s far more powerful than he’s been made out to be in the movies since in the comics he can take the very moisture in the air and turn it into a weapon, or a means to help others.

Giving him a show and making him the central character wouldn’t be a bad idea since there’s a lot that can be done with Iceman. He’s Marvel’s equivalent of Sub-Zero before Mortal Kombt ever came into being, but so much more powerful than Sub-Zero that he’d probably flash freeze the ninja before he had a chance to raise his arms. Anyone bothering to say that Sub-Zero could even think about doing permanent harm to Iceman needs to back up a step and think about it. This is, after all, a mutant that has been busted to pieces, can control the moisture in the air, put himself back together, and if necessary could create a winter wonderland in the middle of a burning desert. Yes, that’s how powerful Iceman is in the comics, but as we’ve seen in the movies he’s been kind of ineffectual against anyone other than Pyro, even if he did stop a rampaging Sentinel for a matter of seconds. The Iceman that’s been seen in the comics has also been kind of pushed to the side at times when in truth he’s one of the more powerful members of the team since apart from Jean Grey he’s one of those that can defend and attack with a level of ferocity that’s breathtaking, sometimes literally since his ability to absorb moisture from the air can affect others around him for quite a distance, and if he really unleashes what he can do, or is given the ability to tap into his full power by a telepath such as Emma Frost, then it’s possible for Iceman to really cut loose and harm others.

But the thing about this character is that he’s been kind of the comic relief for a long time as his personality is the type that tries to lower the tension in the room rather than create that many problems, even though he’s done his fair share of this throughout his life in the comics. The fact that he was made out to be homosexual in the comics is another aspect that some people might like to see, but the thing is that he might actually be bisexual since he’s been attracted to women as well. It’s hard to say what direction Disney would want to go in with Iceman since he has a great deal of potential but there are a lot of different stories that could be used to incorporate him. Given the fact that the X-Men are reportedly coming to the MCU in a movie simply titled The Mutants, which is a rather lackluster title, it’s fair to think that a few different solo stories might be nice to see since there are a number of different mutants in the X-Men and their other various groups that could help to flesh out and carve out a place for homo superior in the MCU. It would certainly be interesting to see what Iceman could do and whether or not he would need his teammates at his side or if his own story could interest the fans. It does feel that eventually he would need the rest of the X-Men, but it’s also nice to think that he might be able to sustain his own show for a while. It would definitely be worth the effort.

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