What’s the Deal with Deadpool and Chimichangas?

What’s the Deal with Deadpool and Chimichangas?

Deadpool and chimichangas seem to go hand in hand like spaghetti and ketchup. Yeah, it’s that weird of a connection when you really think about it. But the Merc with the Mouth is that weird kind of guy that will say things that are so off the wall that you might find yourself doing a double then triple-take wondering what in the world you just heard. Despite not being quite as old or established in the comics as a lot of other heroes, or anti-heroes, you can definitely assume that Deadpool has hit the pages and the big screen in a way that has been impressive throughout the last several years. His offbeat humor and the absolute need he has to just kill people at times are things that have kept him from being much of a family-friendly hero as he would have you believe in his movies, but at the same time his playful nature and his love of everything odd is something that makes him a little more appealing to those that have a serious crazy bone in their body and love to have it tapped more than once a day.

As for his love of chimichangas, well, let’s examine that a bit. He does manage to say the word a lot doesn’t he? He even plugs it into the movie in a way that makes you absolutely love the line and not want to forget it. But here’s the trick: he doesn’t even like chimichangas.

You might want to dispute this, but the red-suited merc actually admits it during one of the many comics he’s found in. He loves saying the word to be honest, and who can blame him? It is one of those words that seems do the rollbounce up and down the tongue until it’s finally past your lips. Deadpool is far from being the most conventional person in the Marvel universe and it shows every time he’s on screen and every time he opens his mouth. So thinking that he loves to say something instead of loving to eat it isn’t really that hard to imagine now is it? So he has a foul-mouthed way of saying it, he has a foul-mouthed way of saying everything because hey, he’s Deadpool. That’s the character, that’s what he’s like, and chances are he’s not going to change because parents want him to be more PC for their kids. If parents can remember correctly we grew up with cartoons that featured a cat slamming into a wall and becoming a furry accordion while chasing a mouse that did everything but skin the cat alive to get his payback. We also had cartoons where a coyote would strap himself a rocket and fling himself in to gravity’s fickle hands time after time just trying to get a bite to eat. So let’s save judgment on a character that was never meant to be the star of a kids’ show.

It’s true that he’s been seen in a cartoon version but keep in mind he was dialed down to about a 4 or 5 when normally he’s kicked up to about a 9 to 11 depending on how his day is going. That’s what people love about Deadpool though, he’s a crazy, out of control kind of guy that gets to say what he wants, do what he wants, and then go on back home and talk about chimichangas all the live-long day until his voice gets hoarse if that’s what he desires. The cartoon versions of him are little more than jabbering images that don’t get to use the full extent of his colorful vocabulary and certainly don’t make the greatest use of his lethal and morbidly comic nature. For kids they might be great since it doesn’t force them to realize that Deadpool is quite violent, but for the adults that have grown up with him the movies and the comics are where the real Wade Wilson gets to stand up.

That being said, Wade Wilson, most definitely a copy of Slade Wilson from DC, is perhaps one of the most dynamic and utterly crazy characters ever created. In fact if you really want proof of this there’s a Death Match that features him and Deathstroke in which Deadpool not only manages to win, but actually throws DC’s most skilled killer off of his game with his wit and his strange but highly energetic, as well as unpredictable, antics. To think that this is the guy that you would think is going to be predictable just shows that a lot of people don’t know who the mercenary is at all. So of course he’s going to have an eccentricity such as saying ‘chimichangas’ all the time even if he doesn’t like them. Who knows, maybe there’s an alternate universe where he absolutely loves them and that’s transferred over to this version of Deadpool in some way. Weirder things have happened the Marvel universe after all, WAY weirder.

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