Whatever Happened to Kathleen Wilhoite?

Whatever Happened to Kathleen Wilhoite?

It’s amazing how a talented individual like Kathleen Wilhoite can escape the notice of so many people apart from one role she had in Road House back in 1989, but when one broadens their view they can see that plenty of people know who she is. The difference here is that as a supporting actress, Kathleen is someone that people don’t look too closely at unless she happens to be in the shot at that particular moment. Otherwise, it’s likely that people do forget that she’s there sometimes, at least until she comes around again, since then she has the kind of personality you don’t tend to forget as she’s quite adept at taking on a role and making it her own. The movie that was mentioned, Road House, saw her as Carrie Ann, a bar waitress that wasn’t necessarily neglected in terms of attention but had to speak up and make herself known a time or two in order for people to remember that she was there. But much like everything she’s done to date, which is extensive when looking at her IMDb page, Kathleen did everything she could in the movie to make it apparent that she was a part of everything and was definitely there to be remembered. Seriously, her part in the movie is pretty amusing since she comes off as one of the characters that just doesn’t know when to be silent, which is thankful since she ends up being one of those that people were glad stuck around since she’s just too much fun. The moment when she brings Dalton, played by the late Patrick Swayze, breakfast in his rented home was pretty classic even if some folks might have a problem with it today. Let’s just say that Carrie Ann saw something that made her gasp to herself when Dalton rolled out of bed, clearly annoyed by her presence but unaware that she was sneaking a peek.

But getting back to Kathleen, her career has been holding steady for a good long while now and it hasn’t just been the movies that have kept her going since she’s appeared in TV shows, developed a music career, and been on stage a couple of times too. In a lot of ways it does feel as though she’s one of those folks that does a lot of work but gets passed over, but considering that she’s had a rather prolific career, say that she’s been passed over isn’t quite accurate. Even if she’s doesn’t get as much recognition as other celebrities it’s still interesting to take a look at what she’s done with herself over the years and be impressed since she has managed to show up on a lot of different TV shows, if only for an episode sometimes, and she’s been a busy woman without any doubt. It’s kind of interesting to see how many people get noticed for one part of their career and become a household name, but those that are skilled in a number of different ways sometimes don’t really get the attention that should be granted to them for a number of reasons that don’t always make a lot of sense. Why some folks get picked out for stardom and others don’t is a process that some folks understand and other’s don’t, but the moment it’s explained it usually sounds a bit mean-spirited since saying that people have things like the ‘it’ factor and other’s don’t have it kind of makes sense, but it also excludes real talent simply because a person doesn’t have the right look or talent. Think about it, how many good-looking actors out there really have the kind of talent that they’re being celebrated for?

In any case, Kathleen is one of the many who is actually pretty talented and has the ability to help bolster just about any project she’s on but is sadly kind of forgotten in the next minute when she’s not on screen. It’s a pity really since she is a capable actress and could offer up a lot to any project that might want to keep her on for a while. In terms of her movie appearances it would appear that she’s taken part in a lot of movies that aren’t well-known, but a few that are recognized such as Pay It Forward, Road House, Fire in the Sky, and several others. As far as what she’s been up to, well, that’s easy. She’s been working, simple as that. At this point, she’s even tried her hand at directing and producing, which feels pretty natural. Even if she’s not as visible to everyone she’s still been doing what she needs to do in order to keep up her reputation and her acting career by keeping at it and taking on one role after another. At this point, she’s a seasoned veteran on the acting scene, and it’s a little obvious that she still has a love for the business.

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