Is Negan Getting a New Look in Season 7 of ‘The Walking Dead?’
Fans of The Walking Dead comic know that Negan has a very specific look in his introduction, so those fans may have been a bit surprised when the infamous vi
The Walking Dead coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
Fans of The Walking Dead comic know that Negan has a very specific look in his introduction, so those fans may have been a bit surprised when the infamous vi
“Last Day on Earth” is an effort of Sutter-ian proportions, a The Walking Dead finale that literally watches Rick and his group’s internal
For just a moment, let’s cling onto the two minutes or so of The Walking Dead where the show doesn’t feel like its flailing at emotional beats,
When are the people of Alexandria going to learn that unscheduled supply runs are always a bad idea? For Carl’s sake, there hasn’t been an impro
The Walking Dead‘s always better when it whittles itself down to a few characters and a single idea: and honestly, putting Alicia Witt in a room with Me
Because of The Walking Dead’s incredible unpredictability but also inevitable death count, fans are always kept on their toes by wondering who is going
Carol’s baking again, which is never a good sign for The Walking Dead: there aren’t many signs more ominous than Carol in the kitchen, fretting o
A Sudden Return to Normalcy After the adrenaline-pumping zombie horde and the siege on Alexandria, the calm “The Next World” opens with is particu
The Walking Dead ended its fifth season without killing any members of the core group, which some seemed to be disappointed with, but I don’t think ever
We’re counting the hours until The Walking Dead returns to TV, and I’ve had plenty of time to reflect on the series as a whole. For me, personal