The Americans 2.05 Review: “The Deal”
For a season that’s been built heavily around issues of parenthood, “The Deal” does a surprisingly moving job of bringing The Americans ba
The Americans coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews
For a season that’s been built heavily around issues of parenthood, “The Deal” does a surprisingly moving job of bringing The Americans ba
It’s easy to forget that the real names of the main characters in The Americans are not Philip and Elizabeth Jennings. Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell pl
One of the most immediately attractive things in the first season of The Americans was the period soundtrack. Just in the pilot, the story was structured in
When reading about TV, you might occasionally come across the phrase “slow burn” as a description. In many cases, it’s a substitute for R
What separated The Americans from the rest of the 2013 pack of new series was not just an acute attention to detail in the espionage plots that give the show
With shows like Sons of Anarchy and Justified, FX has developed into a specific brand of unapologetically gritty and brutally original drama programming, and