The Mindy Project Season 4 Episode 1 Review: “While I Was Sleeping”
Fall “TV” season has officially arrived! I’m using “TV” loosely here because we’re not watching The Mindy Project on a traditional network
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Fall “TV” season has officially arrived! I’m using “TV” loosely here because we’re not watching The Mindy Project on a traditional network
There’s been a lot of constants in this season of Big Brother, things you can rely on, knowing that you’ll never be let down (no matter how badly
Sense8 is not perfect television. It’s filled with hackneyed villains and predictable background stories for its main characters, and doesn’t rea
There is something about reality television personalities that makes us hate these people a hell of a lot more than we do with fictional characters. Clearl
After waiting two weeks because of the Labor Day holiday, Fear the Walking Dead is back, and better than the last episode, for sure. “The Dog,” which mad
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If there’s any character I’m rooting for at this point in The Strain, it’s the out-of-bubblegum Councilwoman Feraldo, who refuses to back d
This week’s Graceland begins with poor Johnny riding with the Soto boys in a van headed to Tevan’s funeral. Thankfully, the FBI agent learns tha
Had every episode of The Carmichael Show proceeded as “Protest” and “Gender” did, TCS could quickly fall into a frustrating patter
You’re the Worst was far and away the best new comedy of 2014, subverting the rom-com genre by coating everything in a layer of cynical narcissism, wh