Suits Season 1 Episode 10 Review: “The Shelf Life”


Mike is about to see firsthand what would happen if his secret were to be exposed in this episode of Suits. After a senior VP of Pearson Hardman’s accounting firm Dreibach Accounting, Stan Jacobson (guest star John Billingsley), is let go because he lied on his resume about getting a CPA license and going to business school, Mike is worried that the same thing might happen to him one day. However, Harvey assures the panicking genius that the secret of all secrets will never come to light. Mike, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to think so as he nervously leaves Harvey’s office.

I get that Mike feels paranoid that his secret is going to be found out and that he might lose his job at Pearson Hardman, but he’s got Harvey Specter in his corner, and I think that the older lawyer will do whatever it takes to keep Mike at the firm, even if it means jeopardizing his own career. The man might not be a big fan of displaying emotion, given that he has a reputation to uphold, but he’s not against using them to get what he wants.

The scene with Mike and Jenny at the Harvard Club later in the episode was nothing short of nerve-wrecking. I breathed a huge sigh of relief after they managed to get into the club, thanks to Jenny, who casually brought up Harvey when the greeter asked for Mike’s Harvard ID. It seems that Harvey’s reputation exceeds him, and no one wants to cross paths with the best closer in New York.

When Jenny hands Mike Brian Jenning’s employee access card so that the latter can break into the Unger and Macy law firm to search for evidence that Dreibach is hiding something, the plan backfires when Mike gets caught by the security guard, and it is Harvey to the rescue, much to the shock and awe on Mike. It also made me wonder just how much money Mike would need to pay Harvey back.

I also enjoyed the scene where Rachel helped Mike out with typing out word for word, the document that Mike saw while snooping around at the law firm that he broke into. It’s amazing to see Mike’s mind at work, and I applaud Rachel’s typing speed as she tried to get every single word down. I can type fast but not that fast.

It was later revealed toward the end of the episode that Dreibach Accounting is nothing but a shelf company, because instead of doing everything by the book, the CEO of the company, Tori, went about it the easy (and illegal) way, stealing money from Pearson Hardman to line her own pockets and dissolving Aberdeen Solutions, another shelf company, to cover her tracks. Didn’t work out, did it, Tori? Jessica then manages to convince Tori to come clean or spend the next ten years behind bars. You tell her, Jessica Pearson. You tell her!

In the episode’s closing moments, Harvey gives Mike an ultimatum that: if he doesn’t want to work at Pearson Hardman anymore because of his secret, then he’s more than welcome to tap out. I agree that if it wasn’t for Harvey hiring Mike on the spot, Mike wouldn’t have the job that he has right now. Perhaps Mike should just stop worrying and carry on like nothing’s happened (then again, Season 5’s midseason finale kind of says otherwise).

I also wanted to slap Louis for telling Jenny about Rachel and Mike at the very end of the episode, but I get where he’s coming from after the junior partner caught the associates looking at Mike’s computer, which contained a live security feed of Louis getting kicked in the balls by his girlfriend. To be honest, it wasn’t Mike’s fault, both for the security feed and Rachel, although he could’ve just pushed her away and tell her that he has a girlfriend. But he didn’t and kissed Rachel back, so I guess Mike has some explaining to do when Jenny asks him about what happened.

[Photo via USA Network]

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