Sean Young Filmed some Behind the Scenes on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

It seems that Sean Young managed to get some behind the scenes shots on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Tone Loc steps right up to the camera but Jim Carrey just doesn’t want to at all it would seem. Sean doesn’t mind getting in the shot and gives a very detailed sense of what it’s like to work with Jim Carrey. Jim gets in the shot more than once but usually it’s during filming and you don’t really get to see any other reaction that isn’t scripted. In short this is kind of a film for Sean Young’s benefit since she’s the one that seems to be talking most of the way through it and once her part is over she’s out of there.

As far as working with Jim Carrey goes she’s not the first person to say that he’s been a difficult star, as Courtney Cox has said it, Jennifer Aniston has said, and even Lauren Holly, his former wife, has said it. Jim’s a funny guy for certain and Ace Ventura was something special when it first came out but apparently he’s kind of a perfectionist and just kooky a lot of the time. There’s a lot more to the funny man than meets the eye and as his costars have found out he isn’t all laughs all the time. It might seem different when you see the outtakes to some of his movies, as it looks like the film might be a lot of fun and something that would be enjoyable to go through. But it’s a lot of work too when it comes to getting the shot right, setting it all up, and then moving on to the next bit.

Plus, if you hadn’t noticed, Carrey is able to call the shots and improvise when he wants to at times. He’s such a big name that a lot of directors have allowed him to get away with ad-libbed lines and actions that weren’t in the script to start with. It all depends on if it works in the movie as to whether or not it’s going to be used. Of course Carrey does have a big personality and it’s possible that some directors don’t want to rock the boat and upset him if he wants to go in a certain direction. I get the feeling that his costars however might have their own issues when it comes to working with him. I would think it would be the unpredictable nature that he possesses and the ability to just fly off the handle and do whatever comes to mind. A lot of actors seem to want things to be regimented and adhere to the script without having to wonder what the lead is going to be up to from second to second.

With Carrey any film involving comedy seems to be a potential crap shoot since he is likely very capable of anything. I’m not really sure how much was ad-libbed in Ace Ventura but I doubt it all went according to script.

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