Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

Lionsgate has unveiled the official trailer for an indie tech horror thriller called Latency, directed by James Croke. The film stars Sasha Luss as Hana, a former pro gamer with acute agoraphobia. Hana finds solace in video games, including virtual reality titles, escaping the confines of her apartment by diving into these digital worlds.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

In an exclusive interview, Sasha Luss dives deep into her role and sheds light on her personal connection with gaming, her struggles with agoraphobia, and society’s growing fears regarding AI technology.

Gaming As An Escape

Luss reveals that she found a unique connection to her character through gaming. She mentions, The Ed is incredible!!! She looks perfect, showcasing her enthusiasm for virtual worlds.

Portraying Agoraphobia

The character of Hana is grounded in a grim reality many can relate to: coping with mental health issues through tech solutions. According to Luss, This is another of these intriguing A.I. horror films, more of a sci-fi thriller…. This provides an additional layer to her portrayal of a pro gamer with agoraphobia.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

AI Technology in Focus

Lionsgate describes the film as a blend of sci-fi horror and techno-thrillers. The plot centers around Hana testing a neural computer interface called OMNIA.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

The fictional OMNIA bears similarities to real-world technologies like Elon Musk’s Neuralink. In Sasha’s words, The more you wear the Omnia, the faster it will learn, highlighting the eerie potential of this near-future technology.

Fears and Realities of AI

The film poses serious questions about AI advancements. As Luss puts it, This, of course, will not end well, speaking to both the narrative arc of the film and our anxieties about the future.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

Apart from surface-level horror elements, Latency delves into deeper themes surrounding technological dependence and mental health. Director James Croke establishes Hana’s fears through meticulous storytelling and visual cues.

Revealing Hidden Traumas

As the OMNIA uncovers suppressed memories from Hana’s past, viewers embark on a psychological journey filled with tension.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

A Solitary Existence

Sasha touches upon how the film accurately portrays isolation: energy drinks littering the kitchen and a multi-monitor setup representing Hana’s digital sanctuary.

Sasha Luss Discusses Gaming, Agoraphobia, and AI in Tech Horror Latency

The Impact of Isolation

Despite being a hermit, Hana maintains human connections through her upstairs neighbor Jen, played by Alexis Ren. Jen becomes a crucial aspect of Hana’s support system, emphasizing that even introverts have lifelines.

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