Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Real life converged with screen life during Tom Brittney’s final episodes of Grantchester. Both the actor and his character, crime-solving vicar Will Davenport, make a big decision: to leave a place that’s been home for six years and take on new challenges. Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Brittney says, I’ve loved it, but I needed to stretch my legs as an actor. He added, Will’s journey needed to come to an end. He’s been through so many ups and downs that I felt like he needed some peace.

So get ready for another changing of the vicar as the Masterpiece series enters the 1961-set Season 9, premiering June 16 on PBS. In Episode 3, Rishi Nair becomes the drama’s third handsome young clergyman, Alphy Kottaram. Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Challenges ahead for Alphy Kottaram

Alphy drives a red Triumph convertible and faces several challenges in the largely white village, even being mistaken for a burglar before he unpacks. It was important to me that was acknowledged, Nair says. It wouldn’t be easy for Alphy.

Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Aiding Police Detective Geordie Keating

Nair highlights that Alphy isn’t a great believer in the police but realizes over time that he and Geordie (Robson Green) want to help people in their respective jobs. They find common ground despite initial tensions and a punch to the face.

Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Returning Faces in Season 9

The supporting cast includes Larry Peters (Bradley Hall) and Miss Scott (Melissa Johns), both returning for these eight episodes. Esme Keating (Skye Lucia Degruttola) shows her rebellious side too.

Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

A Fond Farewell for Tom Brittney

Brittney’s departure wasn’t abrupt; it reflected both his personal journey and his character’s storyline of needing peace after many trials. While expressing gratitude for his experience, Brittney said, I’ve had the most incredible time playing Will Davenport for the last five years. I’ll miss it more than anything.

Rishi Nair Joins Grantchester Season 9 as New Crime-Solving Vicar

The upcoming season will explore varied cases involving circus troupes, archaeologists, and mysteries unfolding at a manor house. It’s set to air on June 16.

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