Castle Photos: 4.13 “An Embarrassment of Bitches” – TVOvermind
Well, I am usually not one to get overly excited about promotional photos – or at least I try not to; I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than disa
Well, I am usually not one to get overly excited about promotional photos – or at least I try not to; I’d rather be pleasantly surprised than disa
Kenya solidifies her spot as public enemy number one on tonight’s Basketball Wives. Can she turn it around later this season? Dancing With The Stars Ap
I am not a big fan of the various Stargate TV shows. I liked the movie – by which I mean the Kurt Russel/James Spader one – but never really dug the telev
And here I thought I’d seen everything. I know it’s something of an emergency when your cable goes out during a show as riveting as Breaking Bad,
Update! Dread Central, along with several other sites, have reported this poster to be fake and fan made. So much for my excitement… Although, the artwo
The latest (fifth) American Horror Story: Asylum teaser, titled ‘Ascend’ warns us that, “Whatever You Do… Don’t. Look. Down.R
It’s the last episode of LOST ever. “The New Man in Charge” is a little mini-episode that follows the events of LOST’s series finale,
The CW announced the finale dates for its shows a little while ago, and now ABC has released their own list. Their finale dates includes the two-hour series e
It seems like only yesterday that the fall season started, doesn’t it? And now The CW is looking towards the season (perhaps even series) finales of its