Survivor 21.12 “You Started, You’re Finshing” Recap
If you don’t remember what happened two weeks ago, check out my recap here. Last week, we had the seasonal Survivor “Other Scenes We Will Claim Ar
If you don’t remember what happened two weeks ago, check out my recap here. Last week, we had the seasonal Survivor “Other Scenes We Will Claim Ar
So this week’s Gossip Girl took out two of the Witches of Bushwick by sending Vanessa packing and (seemingly) banishing Jenny from the Upper East Side f
You can read Michael Mahoney’s review of this episode here. This is the third to last Dexter episode of the season, so things are ramping up on all fron
And so we reach the fall finale of The Event. It’s been an… interesting ride so far. You could insert your own adjective into that sentence. Rando
If you missed Sarah Walker kicking some major ass to save her beloved Chuck last week, check out my recap here. This week’s episode begins in Moscow. Wi
Yearning hearts dominated the thematic outlook of our favorite West Beverly kids and their loved ones last night, but one thing to be thankful for about this
It is close enough to Christmas for Chuck once again to pull out the Die Hard references and whilst this weeks episode was not as strong as the previous homag
Deception, Houdini’s brother tells us early on in the penultimate episode of Boardwalk Empire, requires complicity. “Paris Green” was the ep
Nothing says true love quite like a knife through the heart. When Lumen (Julia Stiles) emerged wearing her full murderer garb, complete with the shiny new glo