Memorable Moment in Movies: The Vanilla Ice Rap in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2
Yes I know the actual title of the movie is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze. In any event this is a clip from Teenage Mutant Ninja Tu
Yes I know the actual title of the movie is Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of the Ooze. In any event this is a clip from Teenage Mutant Ninja Tu
Taylor Swift is, hands down, one of the most famous singers of all time. Say what you will about her, but this young lady has managed to go from a teenager wi
HGTV loves to suck the productivity out of any day with their amazing shows and their beautiful homes. Take House Hunters International, for example. This is
Everyone who watches House Hunters has a type. You know what I mean. You have a type. You like it when families look at a specific type of house; a fixer up
Movies featuring actors who are little people aren’t uncommon, but unfortunately, very rarely does anyone know the names of those actors. With the exc
Today we’re officially only two weeks away from the return of FOX’s beloved DC TV drama, Gotham, the story of Jim Gordon before he becomes the com
Castle season 8 episode 10 promised to take viewers to a place they’d never been before: inside a courtroom prosecution. The episode being on a Sunday n
A movie trailer is supposed to get you psyched to see a movie. It’s that simple. The problem with movie trailers today is that they’re often m
Every new HBO drama premieres to high expectations–higher, for better or worse, than any other network. And while the premium cable powerhouse has an insane