The Bold and the Beautiful Caroline gave birth this week with Ridge by her side. While they are a strong couple, we all know how well relationships work out w
Araceli Aviles
March 13, 2016
A few days ago, I wrote about the decline of Modern Family. Today, I want to discuss a completely different show that, in my opinion, has the potential to las
Aiden Mason
March 13, 2016
Darth Vader is arguably the greatest villain in the history of cinema. We could probably go on and on about this as there are hundreds if not thousands of vil
Aiden Mason
March 12, 2016
I really enjoy Last Man Standing. I mean, I know I’m not really the target demographic for the show (being under 45) but I still think it’s a wo
Nick Hogan
March 12, 2016
You’ve probably seen the commercials for it. You know, the one where Blake Shelton sounds a little awkward and moves the Kids’ choice logo only
Aiden Mason
March 12, 2016 So let’s get to the week ahead before we get to Monday’s episode. General Hospital spoilers have been released for t
Aiden Mason
March 12, 2016
When we go to the movies to watch out favorite Superheroes it’s to get away from the drudgery of our normal, working lives and see something spectacular
Aiden Mason
March 12, 2016
As an elite task force, the Five-0 team are always on their toes prepared for anything. Which is what makes the few times when they are legitimately blindside
Araceli Aviles
March 12, 2016
Okay, I’ve seen my share of scary monsters, but the one in this week’s episode of Sleepy Hollow will be the source of my nightmares tonight. Thank
Tiffany C. Lockhart
March 12, 2016