Chris Hemsworth Explains How He Almost Died in the Himalayas on Jimmy Kimmel Live
Even though Chris Hemsworth will not be appearing in Captain America: Civil War as Thor, he still stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last night during Marvel Wee
Even though Chris Hemsworth will not be appearing in Captain America: Civil War as Thor, he still stopped by Jimmy Kimmel Live last night during Marvel Wee
Game of Thrones may be coming to an end sooner than most fans were thinking. It has been rumored and speculated that the HBO fantasy series would conclude af
NBC’s newest drama Game of Silence doesn’t always move the fast in the present day, but if the flashbacks are any indication, you may want to stic
Grey’s Anatomy has had many two hour events, but it’s been awhile since there has been one that pitted husband and wife against each other. In thi
As a huge fan of the way that The 100 evolves, it may be surprising to you what I say next: I really enjoyed this episode. That may or may not come as a sho
A Bold and Heartbreaking Episode Initially, I was uncertain about this episode of The Blacklist. Even in episodes heavily involved with the serialized story,
This week’s Legends of Tomorrow took our time traveling legends to the Old West as we get fittingly introduced to DC Comics’ anti-hero Jonah Hex.
Castle, “Death Wish” is thus far the best comedic episode of the season, and it’s definitely the most connected Caskett has felt in a while.
Tonight’s episode of Grey’s Anatomy is a game changer for Surgical Resident Ben Warren. The Chief of Surgery’s other half is going to be fac