Five Things Movies Get Wrong About Elementary School Teachers
There are a lot of things that Hollywood seems to take for granted when it comes to teachers. While the industry is fairly faithful at times there are still m
There are a lot of things that Hollywood seems to take for granted when it comes to teachers. While the industry is fairly faithful at times there are still m
In the Autumn of 1983, er, Summer of 2016, Netflix’s original television series Stranger Things took the streaming service and eventually the entire in
When dogs get together and plot their eventual stand against tyranny, all it will take is a vacuum cleaner and their world will tremble. The Pupstice League i
We all have heard of death by chocolate, but have you heard of death by pudding? On tonight’s episode of Lucifer, a factory worker falls into a vat of h
Disney has certainly changed a lot in some ways but almost not at all in others. Since it’s October it just feels right to talk about a month in histo
Supernatural is on its thirteenth season with over two hundred and sixty six episodes and counting, so it’s no wonder that there are more than a few fan
Loyalties are tested and alliances have shifted, and now is the time when a series begins to truly figure out who it is and what it wants to accomplish. The
Are you a fan of “The Curse of Oak Island?” If so, we have some important information for you. Since the show has become so intensely popular, the
Danny DeVito kind of gets forgotten at times it seems. It seems to be that he kind of disappears for a while and then comes back in a big way, creating someth