Orphan Black Returns with New Spin-off Series Echoes

Kristian Bruun and I started talking about the idea of doing an OB reunion back when everything had shut down. We wanted to show love to Clone Club and help raise some money for people who are disproportionately affected during this difficult time, Maslany told Deadline.

Orphan Black Returns with New Spin-off Series Echoes

Setting the Stage for a New Era

The Canadian series about clone sisters caught up in a genetic conspiracy has maintained a devoted fanbase even after it ended in 2017. Back in August, Maslany gave EW exclusive insight into the enduring popularity of ‘Orphan Black’, hinting at exciting developments for its future.

An Exciting Sequel Storyline

Orphan Black: Echoes‘ is set up as a sequel to ‘Orphan Black’. Created by Anna Fishko, with John Fawcett returning as an executive producer, the new series takes place 37 years after the original show’s end. Set in 2052, this new narrative concentrates on Lucy, portrayed by Jessica Jones star Krysten Ritter.

Orphan Black Returns with New Spin-off Series Echoes

What Makes ‘Echoes’ Unique

This spin-off ventures beyond nostalgia, exploring the scientific manipulation of human existence. Fans get to witness fresh characters grapple with their identities amidst thrilling discoveries. The existing connection between both shows gives it depth while allowing new viewers to dive right in without needing prior knowledge of ‘Orphan Black.’

Tatiana Maslany’s Continuing Impact

Tatiana Maslany captured our hearts playing Sarah Manning and her many clones. Although major characters like Sarah do not appear in ‘Echoes’ season one, Maslany herself remains significant to the franchise’s legacy. Beyond ‘Orphan Black,’ she continues to impress audiences, recently starring as She-Hulk in the MCU.

Orphan Black Returns with New Spin-off Series Echoes

Original Cast Returns?

Although original characters are not the focal point, fans can expect to see some familiar faces. However, major figures like Sarah and Cosima will not return in significant roles for season one. With future seasons potentially on the horizon, there’s hope that more of the beloved original cast could make a comeback.

A Bright Future for the Franchise

Orphan Black Returns with New Spin-off Series Echoes

‘Orphan Black: Echoes’ provides a refreshing take on an established universe while honoring its roots. As we journey with Lucy and other new characters through this daring exploration of identity and technology, it’s clear that the ‘Orphan Black’ legacy is far from over.

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