New Shark Thriller Under Paris Knocks Godzilla Minus One From Netflix’s Top Spot

In an unexpected turn of events, Godzilla Minus One has been knocked off its top spot in Netflix’s Top 10 list by the newly released shark thriller Under Paris. Directed by Xavier Gens, this French-language movie introduces a fresh and thrilling concept: a giant apex predator terrorizing the heart of Paris.

(New Shark Thriller Under Paris Knocks Godzilla Minus One From Netflix’s Top Spot)

A Fresh Take on the Shark Genre

Under Paris, or Sous la Seine in its original title, has swiftly captivated audiences with its unique setting and gripping narrative. The story follows scientist Sophia, played by Bérénice Bejo, who must confront a massive mako shark named Lilith. What makes this film stand out is its dramatic backdrop—the Seine during the World Triathlon Championships, heightening the tension and stakes.


Early Reviews and Comparisons

Despite only just landing on Netflix, Under Paris has garnered positive reviews. Critics have drawn favorable comparisons between Gens’ thriller and Spielberg’s iconic Jaws. Variety’s Michael Nordine remarked, Few movies deserve the ‘often imitated, never replicated’ designation quite like ‘Jaws’ does. ‘Under Paris’ might just be the best of them. Similarly, Daily Dead’s Matt Donato highlighted its entertainment value, noting that it pairs bureaucratic criticism reminiscent of Jaws with a fast-paced tempo akin to Deep Blue Sea.

New Shark Thriller Under Paris Knocks Godzilla Minus One From Netflix’s Top Spot

The Rise of a New Star

Xavier Gens, who directed memorable works like Hitman and The Divide, brings his expertise to television. He stated,Actually, there is not that much difference between film and TV, because it’s more or less the same process.This creativity shines through in Under Paris, combining dynamic action scenes with engaging character development.

A Human-Centric Approach

Godzilla Minus One, while firmly rooted as a historical drama rather than a typical monster movie, faced competition from the audience appeal of Sophia’s battle against Lilith. In contrast to most Godzilla movies where characters serve primarily to set up monster fights,In this movie, Godzilla is not the main character; instead, Koichi steals the spotlight.

The Shark Scene’s Impact

Sous la Seine’s climactic scene showcases some spectacular special effects and substantial character depth. Featuring Bérénice Bejo navigating harrowing underwater sequences ensures viewers are on edge throughout the film.

New Shark Thriller Under Paris Knocks Godzilla Minus One From Netflix’s Top Spot

A Balanced Conclusion?

The sudden dethroning of Godzilla Minus One highlights the ever-evolving tastes of streaming audiences. In securing this unexpected victory, Sous la Seine‘s triumph demonstrates that even genres thought to be saturated can still deliver surprising hits under the right direction.This flick may be winning the streaming race so far.

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