New “Bill & Ted 3” Details Revealed and It’s Likened to “A Christmas Carol'”

There are new details in the Bill and Ted movie that could still be happening and it’s sounding a lot like A Christmas Carol at this point. You can bet that the guys won’t be visited by anything as benign as the three ghosts that haunt Scrooge, but the idea is that William Sadler will be coming back as the enigmatic Grim Reaper, while the guys will be in their fifties and looking back at their lives wondering just where things went off the rails. Right now the basic plot is that Bill and Ted were meant to change the world with their music, but it hasn’t happened yet. You would think by the second movie that they might have gotten the point that Rufus was trying to impress upon them, but by the third and hopefully final film they will realize just what it is that they have to do and get to it.

By this point they’re still married and have kids, but things are going a bit downhill since they haven’t become the saviors that they were meant to be. Because of this their marriages are failing and they simply can’t talk to their kids because it’s evident that they’ve become the versions of themselves that they never wanted to be. They became adults in other words, and are now kind of lame like they used to think their own dads were. But all hope isn’t lost of course since otherwise there wouldn’t be any reason for a third movie. At the moment it’s still in production, kind of, sort of, but without any forward progress as of yet. The story is still being fine-tuned and made to fit with the first two films so that fans aren’t thinking they’ve been cheated of a natural progression. Of course this is Bill and Ted, the natural progression isn’t really that hard or natural when you involve time travel.

The great thing is that both Alex Winter, aka Bill, an Keanu Reeves, aka Ted, are both on board for the movie. They’ve been wanting to do this for a while and to be honest the idea has been on the table since 2010. Why it’s taken so long is kind of hard to explain save to say that it wasn’t given a whole lot of credibility at the time. People were still smarting from the second Bill and Ted which was, to put it kindly, a flop. There weren’t a lot of moments in the second film that could be called redemptive and when it comes to sequels this was one that was best left forgotten. But now that it’s out there and people know about it the third one should hopefully tie up all the loose ends and be able to account for a lot of things that were left unsaid. It’s also a way for fans to get their Bill and Ted fix again after all these years.

It might not be quite the same without George Carlin, but maybe they’ll work mention of him in there somewhere.

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