NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

As the NBA explores its contract negotiations with broadcasting networks, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver reassures fans and media that talks are ongoing, especially with Turner Sports’ long-associated TNT. Speculations about the future of NBA broadcasts have been rife, but nothing is set in stone yet.

In a recent interview, Silver expressed optimism despite the uncertainties associated with contract negotiations. He mentioned, The NBA commissioner made it known that anything can happen during contract negotiations.

NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

Barkley’s Take on CNN Show Cancellation

Amid these discussions, former NBA star Charles Barkley has been vocal about his dissatisfaction with how his show on CNN, co-hosted by Gayle King, was handled. The show, titled ‘King Charles’, premiered as a limited series but faced rumors of cancellation. Barkley has dismissed these claims, reiterating that the limited run was part of the original plan.

NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

On an episode of ‘The Mike Missanelli Podcast,’ Barkley shared his frustrations saying, Me and Gayle King are really pissed right now. Because they said King Charles was canceled. I said, ‘First of all, they never said we were canceled. We were only supposed to do a limited run because I had to get back to my NBA job.’

The TNT and NBA Connection

TNT has had a longstanding relationship with the NBA since 1984. Despite recent challenges in reaching a renewal deal within the exclusive negotiation period that expired in April, Adam Silver remains hopeful. While addressing the ongoing discussions and their intensity, one entertainment industry insider remarked that negotiations have taken on a ‘Game of Thrones’ feel.

NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav echoed this sentiment by suggesting that while they value their NBA package, it’s not an absolute necessity for their portfolio. This aligns with Silver’s statement about the unpredictable nature of such high-stakes negotiations.

CNN’s Ratings Struggles

The context around CNN’s struggles with prime-time viewership is important here. Hosting ‘King Charles’ did not reverse the ratings slump CNN has encountered recently. Although initially aimed to boost numbers, Barkley’s stint on CNN reflected broader issues within the network as it saw significant drops in prime-time viewers. Reports suggest ‘King Charles’ lost around 20% of its initial audience shortly after debuting. Nevertheless, Barkley enjoyed his time on the show, noting how it gave him space to discuss topics beyond basketball.

NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

Implications for Future Dealings

For now, things remain uncertain. Turner Sports’ four-decade bond with the league finds itself at a crossroads while ESPN gears up to retain its top package rights. The sports world watches closely as these proceedings unravel.NBA-TNT Contract Negotiations Ongoing Despite Challenges Says Adam Silver

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