Music Videos Filmed in Washington You Never Knew About

Washington state isn’t just the birthplace of grunge; it’s also been the backdrop for some truly iconic music videos. Here are some you might not know were filmed in the Evergreen State.

Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit

Filmed in a desolate high school gym, this video heralded the grunge revolution. Kurt Cobain along with his band members, captured the raw teenage angst set against the backdrop of chaotic pep rallies and rebellious cheerleaders. As noted by Kurt Cobain in late 1991 studio sessions, his presence added authenticity to what became an anthem of a generation.

Music Videos Filmed in Washington You Never Knew About

Mudhoney’s Touch Me I’m Sick

A landmark in the grunge movement, this video combines grainy visuals with frantic energy. According to Allmusic, the song’s raw, primal energy made it an instant anthem which still stands as one of [grunge’s] all-time classics. Mudhoney’s influence is palpable here, and their performance style became a blueprint for many Seattle bands that followed.

Music Videos Filmed in Washington You Never Knew About

Alice in Chains’ Man in the Box

This haunting track, considered one of the greatest metal hits ever, was brought to life through its darkly atmospheric music video. The band is shrouded in a grimy aesthetic that echoes their gritty sound. The Merkins even did a cover under the name Pinhead as a nod to Hellraiser.

Music Videos Filmed in Washington You Never Knew About

Pearl Jam’s Even Flow

Captured during an electric live performance, this video showcases Eddie Vedder’s knack for making each moment feel monumental. One of the standout visuals is him crowd surfing—a testament to their powerful stage presence that left audiences breathless.

Music Videos Filmed in Washington You Never Knew About

Macklemore’s Thrift Shop

While a deviation from grunge, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ showcase of Seattle’s quirky thrift stores is no less impactful. This video resonated globally, combining humor with style as they paraded through second-hand stores, scooters in tow, demonstrating how to rock vintage wear.

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