The Five Best Kathy Bates Movies of Her Career
When the history books are cracked open pertaining to cinema there are going to be a lot of names that spring forth as some of the best, but one thing is cert
Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.
When the history books are cracked open pertaining to cinema there are going to be a lot of names that spring forth as some of the best, but one thing is cert
In some way serial killer movies in the last eight years or so have kind of been lumped in with drama or horror and haven’t really been their own genre
If Tilda Swinton seems like the sort of person that has a rather regal bearing or attitude to her then it’s well-founded in the fact that her family can
Movies featuring serial killers are usually deemed as horror or thriller movies as well, and in the 60s they were far more cerebral in nature than anything. T
When it comes to Kung Fu movies the 70s really belonged to just two men, and one of them most of all. There were a lot of movie that came out during this deca
It would seem by looking at a lot o the 80s martial arts movies, they’re not all kung fu-oriented, that things were hitting kind of a crazy note as ever
Something about scary and disturbing movies makes people flock to the theaters it would seem. Serial killer movies now and back in the 70s are quite different
Right now it seems really uncertain as to what will happen to Staind since their front man Aaron Lewis is off doing country music and has said that the band w
A lot of folks might argue that a sequel made more than a decade after the original is going to be better, or so much worse than the original. In the case of
To put it politely, Kung Fu in the 90s was getting kind of silly as it was integrated at times with western cinema and therefore kind of blended into somethin