Category: Movies

Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.

The Top 20 Ghosts in Movie History

The subjects of horror movies run the gamut from crazed axe-wielding psychopaths to hordes of the undead. They might feature aliens, vampires, or even killer

The 20 Best Knight Movies of All-Time

What constitutes a good movie depends on individual taste. However, the central characters play an important role in the overall success of a film. One type o

The Top 20 Car Racing Movies of All-Time

Dyed in the wool Nascar fans are thrilled when a new racing movie comes out. It’s tough to decide which one is the best, because there are quite a few g

The Top 20 Movie Heists in History

When it comes to the most impressive movie heists that have ever been on film, everybody has their own opinion. Some people really love the older style movies

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