Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

We all have that one movie critics hated, but we hold dear to our hearts.

For instance, Drop Dead Gorgeous has a laughable rating of 47% on Rotten Tomatoes. However, the film’s pageant scenes and Kirsten Dunst’s performance make it unforgettable.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

Kirsten Dunst and Denise Richards’s pageant costumes alone should bump the film to a 70% rating…at least.

A Hidden Gem among Romantic Comedies

I was just as surprised to find out that The Wedding Planner holds an abysmally low rating of 17%. Despite its critical panning, Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey created a culturally memorable piece.

Jennifer as Mary Fiore is a wedding planner who is single-handedly in love. The plot may be predictable, but their chemistry can’t be denied.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

Despite the movie’s mediocre reception, it has remained culturally memorable due to its casting decisions and the questionable premise of its central romance.

The Stalwart Bodyguard

Bumping up a notch, The Bodyguard, which features Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner, received a 38% rating. Mike Starr, Costner’s co-star shared, Kevin saved me from injury in the fight scene we had. He’s like the real deal. Does that sound like a subpar movie?

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

Costner’s intense role might not resonate with all critics, but his physicality and portrayal certainly didn’t go unnoticed by fans.

Brides at Odds

Bride Wars has a shocking score of 10%, even though Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson brought charisma to their roles.I didn’t seriously expect them to cast Anne Hathaway in any role other than the perfect sweet girl.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

Hathaway plays off her usual character archetype, making this film more entertaining than expected by its detractors.

A Misunderstood Catwoman

Coming to Catwoman, Halle Berry’s portrayal still leaves an impression despite the harsh 8% rating it received. The yearly recurrence of this costume during Halloween speaks volumes about Berry’s cultural impact.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

Even she acknowledged Saweetie’s homage saying [red heart emoji] you bodied this! There’s enough room for more than one Catwoman @saweetie.

An Iconic Villainess Unappreciated

Uma Thurman in Batman & Robin as Poison Ivy is another misunderstood performance. Despite everything else sinking the film It’s the Titanic of superhero films (the actual ship, guys), Thurman’s Ivy added vibrancy and flamboyance.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

This film might have faults largely due to directorial choices rather than actor performance alone.

The Cats Controversy

If you’re defending Cats’ 19% rating, know you’re not alone. The transformation of classic characters like Rum Tum Tugger captured an air of grandeur unmistakable in musical cinema.

Movies Critics Disliked but Fans Call Masterpieces

The elaborate dance sequences might turn a skeptic into an admirer.

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