Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

Morgan Spurlock, the visionary documentary filmmaker who profoundly impacted how we view fast food through his landmark 2004 film Super Size Me, has sadly passed away on June 1 in Upstate New York. He was 53, and his death resulted from complications due to cancer, as confirmed by his family.

Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

A Documentary Legacy

Spurlock’s groundbreaking experiment in Super Size Me saw him consuming only McDonald’s food for 30 days. His self-imposed rules included always opting for the super-size meal if offered and matching the average American’s physical activity level by reducing exercise. By the end of this harrowing journey, Spurlock had gained 25 pounds and experienced numerous health issues, including depression and liver dysfunction.

Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

The film struck a chord globally, earning an Oscar nomination and grossing $22 million worldwide. It ignited a critical conversation about fast food’s role in public health and even prompted McDonald’s to discontinue its super-size option shortly after.

Family Reflections

Spurlock’s brother Craig shared an emotional tribute: It was a sad day, as we said goodbye to my brother Morgan. Morgan gave so much through his art, ideas and generosity. Today the world has lost a true creative genius and a special man. I am so proud to have worked together with him.

Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

Beyond Super Size Me

Born on November 7, 1970, in Parkersburg, West Virginia, under Methodist faith which he later identified as agnostic faith, Spurlock graduated from New York University with a BFA in Film in 1993. His career spanned more than just one influential film. Under his production company Warrior Poets, founded together with producing partner Jeremy Chilnick, Spurlock produced nearly 70 documentaries and TV series.

His works remarked upon fiery and contentious topics such as the U.S. war in Afghanistan with Where In the World Is Osama Bin Laden?, minimum wage struggles with 30 Days, and consumerism with The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.

Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

A Controversial End to His Career

Spurlock’s career faced an abrupt halt when he authored a tell-all social media post in December 2017 amid the #MeToo movement revelations. Spurlock admitted to infidelities, settled sexual harassment claims from an assistant, and revealed accusations of rape during college. This led to his resignation from Warrior Poets as backlash surged over his admissions.

A Personal Life Remembered

Morgan Spurlock is survived by his two children Laken and Kallen; mother Phyllis Spurlock; father Ben; brothers Craig and Barry; along with multiple nieces and nephews. He also leaves behind former spouses Alexandra Jamieson and Sara Bernstein.

Morgan Spurlock Documentary Filmmaker of Super Size Me Passes Away at 53

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